hynek-urban / rocketchat-async

asyncio-based Python wrapper for the Rocket.Chat Realtime API.
MIT License
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asyncio-based Python wrapper for the Rocket.Chat Realtime API.

Supported Rocket.Chat versions: 6.x. (The library might also work or partially work with other versions.)

When should you use this library?

Use this library if you:


pip install rocketchat-async

Example usage

import asyncio
import random
from rocketchat_async import RocketChat

def handle_message(channel_id, sender_id, msg_id, thread_id, msg, qualifier,
                   unread, repeated):
    """Simply print the message that arrived."""

async def main(address, username, password):
    while True:
            rc = RocketChat()
            await rc.start(address, username, password)
            # Alternatively, use rc.resume for token-based authentication:
            # await rc.resume(address, username, token)

            # A possible workflow consists of two steps:
            # 1. Set up the desired callbacks...
            for channel_id, channel_type in await rc.get_channels():
                await rc.subscribe_to_channel_messages(channel_id,
            # 2. ...and then simply wait for the registered events.
            await rc.run_forever()
        except (RocketChat.ConnectionClosed,
                RocketChat.ConnectCallFailed) as e:
            print(f'Connection failed: {e}. Waiting a few seconds...')
            await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(4, 8))

# Side note: Don't forget to use the wss:// scheme when TLS is used.
asyncio.run(main('ws://localhost:3000/websocket', 'username', 'password'))

API Overview

Brief overview of the currently implemented methods.

As of now, Rocket.Chat's API is only covered partially (based on my original needs). I am open to both feature requests as well as pull requests.



Get a list of channels the logged-in user is currently member of.

RocketChat.send_message(text, channel_id, thread_id=None)

Send a text message to a channel.

RocketChat.send_reaction(orig_msg_id, emoji)

Send a reaction to a specific message.

RocketChat.send_typing_event(channel_id, thread_id=None)

Send the "typing" event to a channel or to a specified thread within that channel.

RocketChat.subscribe_to_channel_messages(channel_id, callback)

Subscribe to all messages in the given channel. Returns the subscription ID.

The provided callback should accept eight arguments: channel_id, sender_id, msg_id, thread_id, msg_text, msg_qualifier and repeated. The qualifier can help to determine if e.g. the message is a system message about the user being removed from the channel. The repeated flag assists in distinguishing whether the message has been received again as a result of thread replies, or if it is a new message post.


Subscribe to all changes in channels. Returns the subscription ID.

The provided callback should accept two arguments: channel_id and channel_qualifier. The qualifier helps to determine e.g. if it's a direct message or a normal room.


Like RocketChat.subscribe_to_channel_changes except the callback gets passed the raw message object coming from the API.

RocketChat.subscribe_to_channel_messages_raw(channel_id, callback)

Like RocketChat.subscribe_to_channel_messages except the callback gets passed the raw message object coming from the API.


Like RocketChat.get_channels except the method returns the list of raw channel objects coming from the API.


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