hyperboria / python-cjdns

A python cjdns admin library, with Python 2 and Python 3 support
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 20 forks source link

=============================== python-cjdns For Python 2 & 3

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The cjdns python library doesn't support python3 and is a PITA to install, due to it's use of a modified bencode library which is still called "bencode", among other things, so I'm cleaning it up.


The easiest way to install it is::

pip install cjdns

But you could also clone it and run::

python setup.py install

Once it's installed, you'll find peerStats and cexec installed in your $PATH, and the cjdns library available for import.


Usage is simple. First, import:

.. code:: python

import cjdns

Then, connect to the running cjdns instance. There are two ways to do this. The normal way is to use the ~/.cjdnsadmin file:

.. code:: python

cjdns = cjdns.connectWithAdminInfo()

Or, if you have the IP, port and password and wish to ignore the ~/.cjdnsadmin file for whatever reason:

.. code:: python

cjdns = cjdns.connect(ip, port, password)

Once connected, you may call any of the cjdns admin interface functions <https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/blob/master/admin/README.md#cjdns-functions>_:

.. code:: python

peerStats = cjdns.InterfaceController_peerStats()

Finally, there is a helper function that allows one to convert a cjdns public key into an IP address:

.. code:: python

from cjdns import key_utils


Same as cjdns, this is a GPLv3 project. Full text of the license is available here


I welcome pull requests, please make sure that everything you contribute is pep8 compliant and works on python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5. There are some basic tests in place for these things via Travis, but they're not complete by any means.