hypercerts-org / voicedeck-fork

A month-long gathering for people building the future
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Edge Esmeralda

Edge Esmeralda is a platform that allows users to contribute retroactive funding for impactful of events at Edge Esmeralda. Donors receive fractional shares of a HyperCert representing the impact of the reporting they've supported.


Within the Edge Esmeralda app, users can

Tech Stack

We recommend direnv for managing your environment variables

Getting Started


Node.js: this project requires installation of Node.js 18.17 or later. Next Documentation

Ethereum Sepolia: The Hypercert Marketplace is currently deployed on Sepolia Testnet. To interact with Voicedeck's impact Hypercerts, you'll need to connect to Sepolia Testnet and obtain SepoliaETH from a testnet token faucet.

Network Configuration

Parameter Value
Network Name Sepolia test network
RPC URL https://sepolia.infura.io
Chain ID 11155111
Currency Symbol SepoliaETH
Block Explorer URL (Optional) https://sepolia.etherscan.io/

Run Locally

Clone the repository

  git clone git@github.com:VoiceDeck/app.git

Install dependencies

  cd app && bun install

Start the server

  bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/reports/page.tsx.

Helpful References