hyperledger / indy-did-method

Indy DID Method Specification
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Character limitations for object-type-identifier #59

Closed c2bo closed 2 years ago

c2bo commented 2 years ago

The spec and the indy implementation allow for the unique names of the different objects (schema, creddef, revreg..) to basically use everything that a string would allow. Every npdb in the spec could contain characters that would be breaking for DID URLs like spaces.

If I understand the indy-node implementation correctly, then right now there are no limitations regarding the name apart from the size - see types.py:

class SchemaField(MessageValidator):
    schema = (
        (SCHEMA_NAME, LimitedLengthStringField(max_length=NAME_FIELD_LIMIT)),

To solve this, we could

Enforcing limitations would be a breaking change with the current implementation, this probably would need to be done in a way to only enforce this for the creation of new objects and still allow "old" names to be resolved.

My opinion would be to at least strongly encourage not using special characters for names or completely limit to something like `0-9, a-z, "-", "_", "." for fields like npdb in the spec.

c2bo commented 2 years ago

After some discussion in the did:indy call on 8th of March, we decided to go with option 2: Use URL encoding without breaking changes to the indy implementation. I will create a PR with some clarifications for the relevant text parts in the spec.