hyperledger / indy-did-method

Indy DID Method Specification
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Indy DID Method

Open in Gitpod

This repository contains the source for the Indy DID Method specification. The initital content was transferred from a collaborative HackMD document.

The current version of the spec is rendered here: https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method/

To contribute to the specification, please submit a pull request by:

The specification is rendered from the markdown files to the index.html specification file in the /docs folder using Spec-Up. The full guidance for using SpecUp is in that documentation. The short version of the instructions for this repository is:

When you create a PR to update the specification, please DO NOT include docs/index.html. A GitHub Action on merge of PRs automagically renders for the full specification (docs/index.html) to the gh-pages branch in the repo and the specification is published from there. If there is a way to .gitignore the index.html in the main branch but not in the gh-pages branch, please let us know.

Hint: One way to revert the updated docs/index.html before doing a commit, is to run: git checkout -- docs/index.html

Editing the spec in the cloud with Gitpod

An alternative way to contribute to the specification, without any local installation, is to use Gitpod.

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