hyperledger / iroha

Iroha - A simple, enterprise-grade decentralized ledger
Apache License 2.0
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Account Transactions Query Error #1018

Open faizanraza09 opened 3 years ago

faizanraza09 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have been using iroha on the cli and the python sdk for a few days now and everything works fine except that the account transactions and account asset transactions query doesnt work on both cli and the python library. On the cli it says query is stateless invalid while on python it just returns an empty list. I have tried everything from creating new domains to granting all permissions but it doesnt seem to work. I also followed the cli example given on the docs but at the end when i want to add a query for getting the transactions it gives the same error

appetrosyan commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the long turnaround, we've had a lot of issues to weed through. It looks like you're using Iroha 1, could you please specify which version?