hyperledger / iroha

Iroha - A simple, enterprise-grade decentralized ledger
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Optimise CI - reduce flakyness, unify workflows #4516

Open 0x009922 opened 1 month ago

0x009922 commented 1 month ago

I encounter this time and time again: you open a PR, wait for checks for 10/20/30 minutes, and then you see that same workflows fail on the same tests. During that time I get distracted on something else and forget to re-start checks again just in time. Sometimes it takes 5-6 restarts to get them work. This way, the moment of all green lights might delay for days. And it delays development in my case.

From my observation, the following workflows are flaky:

And these are particular flaky tests:

Are these tests worth it?

My another concern is that I don't see the rationale behind having so many workflows:

  1. I2::Dev::Static
    1. smart contracts
    2. workspace
  2. I2::Tests::UI
    1. test with all features
    2. test with no default features
  3. I2::Dev::Tests
    1. consistency
    2. with_coverage
    3. integration
    4. unstable
    5. client-cli-tests

(there are some others too)

These workflows all run Cargo and compile more or less the same stuff. Yes, there are variations in features presets, but Cargo handles it for us. It can granularly reuse compilation artifacts depending on the context (apart from cases with different RUSTC flags, I suppose).

So, I guess that it is worth trying to combine all these workflows into a single one, and build it in a way so that it can report as many useful information as possible in a single run. I wonder how much more/less it would be efficient.

Another useful implication of this would be a shorter feedback on some early errors. For example, a certain change in PR introduces something and Iroha cannot even compile. Currently, all 8+ workflows will run and fail on the same error. In the case of a unified CI, there will be less work repetition.


DCNick3 commented 1 month ago

And these are particular flaky tests: integration::extra_functional::offline_peers::genesis_block_is_committed_with_some_offline_peers integration::extra_functional::unstable_network::soft_fork

Agree, I often find those particular tests failing. Though, a lot of client-cli-tests are also very flaky =(. I noticed, in particular, test_burn_asset_for_account_in_same_domain and test_register_account_with_invalid_domain, but there are probably more

The nice things about the multiple workflows is that they are ran in parallel and fail independently (that, in particular, is probably why unstable workflow is a thing).

AlexStroke commented 1 month ago

Prioritise zero-tolerance to flaky tests from development side If flaky tests couldn't be easily fixed, possibly move them away from PR checks to after-merge checks.

We need to think and implement a definitive solution that ensures tests are not flaky by fundamentally resolving synchronization issues. For example, in the Python SDK, @SamHSmith and I are working on a 'submit and block' function in the client. This function will only return once a transaction has been fully processed and confirmed on all peers, regardless of the machine and resources the tests are running on. Maybe it should be some more centralized solution so that you don't have to implement it in every client and SDK.

AlexStroke commented 1 week ago

Prioritise zero-tolerance to flaky tests from development side If flaky tests couldn't be easily fixed, possibly move them away from PR checks to after-merge checks.

We need to think and implement a definitive solution that ensures tests are not flaky by fundamentally resolving synchronization issues. For example, in the Python SDK, @SamHSmith and I are working on a 'submit and block' function in the client. This function will only return once a transaction has been fully processed and confirmed on all peers, regardless of the machine and resources the tests are running on. Maybe it should be some more centralized solution so that you don't have to implement it in every client and SDK.


0x009922 commented 1 day ago

@nxsaken do you think your work on #4500 will address flakyness issue?

nxsaken commented 1 day ago

@0x009922 I keep it in mind, but not sure yet because I haven't looked into why the tests are flaky.