hyperschedule / hyperschedule-react

Experimental React-based replacement for the Hyperschedule frontend.
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Hyperschedule: webapp for scheduling 5C courses quickly.

Live demo

Check out https://hyperschedule.io!

See also

This repository contains only the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript comprising the front-end webapp hosted on Netlify. The backend, which serves a single-endpoint JSON API and handles scraping information from the Claremont Colleges course catalog, is located [here][scraper].

Local development

Install [Yarn]. Then, install the NPM dependencies by running yarn in the project root. You are ready to run the webapp locally:

$ yarn dev

This will build the static files and serve them to localhost:5000; to use a different port, just export PORT. By default, the webapp expects the API to be running at https://hyperschedule.herokuapp.com. If you're doing development on the API locally, you'll want to override this by exporting API_URL to http://localhost:3000 (or similar). If exporting to localhost, don't forget the http, since otherwise Chrome's CORS policy will block the request.

There are a few other Yarn tasks available, each runnable with `yarn

`. The `dev` task actually just runs `server` and `watch` in parallel. The `server` task serves the built static files, while `watch` compiles those files and recompiles when there is a change to the source. You can build just once with the `build` task, and remove the built files with the `clean` task. ### Deploy Deployment to Netlify happens automatically when a commit is merged to `master`. If you have permission to manage the deployment pipeline, the administrator dashboard is [here][netlify]. [heroku]: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/hyperschedule [netlify]: https://app.netlify.com/sites/hyperschedule/overview [scraper]: https://github.com/MuddCreates/hyperschedule-scraper [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/en/