hypersign-protocol / hid-ssi-js-sdk

Java script sdk for creating and verifying dids, diddocs, verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations.
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Research on the specification of the Universal wallet #61

Open Pratap2018 opened 1 year ago

Pratap2018 commented 1 year ago

w3c universal wallet

universal wallet

Universal Wallet Spec

Blog by dock : https://blog.dock.io/decentralized-identity-foundation/


Wallet Rendering specification by DIF : https://identity.foundation/wallet-rendering/

Trinsic guide swiss-ssi-group

Pratap2018 commented 1 year ago


Pratap2018 commented 1 year ago

Trinsic Flow

Trinsic wallet is Identity Wallet only


Trinsic Wallet


Trinsic Studio

In this entire flow, Trinsic never asks for subject did or any identifier , the issued credential can be accepted by any user

Pratap2018 commented 1 year ago

Dock flow

Dock wallet supports both token and identity

Dock Wallet

Dock Wallet

Dock Certs Flow

Dock Certs

Dock cert does not support Schema Creation yet The issued credential can be accepted by any user if the password gets leaked