hypersign-protocol / hid-ssi-js-sdk

Java script sdk for creating and verifying dids, diddocs, verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations.
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did diddoc identity javascript npm-package sdk verifiable-credentials verifiable-presentation

Hypersign Self Soverign Identity (SSI) SDK Build

This SDK is an implementation of proposed DID framework by the W3C Credential Community Group.


npm i
npm run build


## Run this to test all features 
npm run test

## OR Run individual test cases 
npm run test-did
npm run test-schema
npm run test-credential
npm run test-presentation


npm i https://github.com/hypersign-protocol/hid-ssi-js-sdk  --save

Supported node version: ^v16


// Import SSI SDK
import { HypersignSSISdk } from "hs-ssi-sdk";

// Instantiate SSI SDK
const hsSdk = new HypersignSSISdk(
  namespace: 'testnet'
  nodeRpcEndpoint: "https://rpc.jagrat.hypersign.id",  // RPC
  nodeRestEndpoint: "https://api.jagrat.hypersign.id"   // REST Endpoint
// Mandatory method call to initialize offlineSigner
await hsSdk.init();

// Exposes these 4 instance of objects
const hypersignDID: HypersignDID = hsSdk.did;
const hypersignVC: HypersignVerifiableCredential = hsSdk.vc;
const hypersignVP: HypersignVerifiablePresentation = hsSdk.vp;
const hypersignSchema: HypersignSchema = hsSdk.schema;


You may follow this this code snnipet for creating OfflineSigner

offlineSigner = await createWallet(mnemonic);


Hypersign DID SDK

Read documentation

Hypersign Schema SDK

Read documentation

Hypersign Verifiable Credential SDK

Read documentation

Hypersign Verifiable Presentation SDK

Read documentation


This sdk is in highly under development. In case you find any bug, kindly report it ASAP. Thank You!