hypertidy / geoarea

Lightweight and fast calculation of areas of geo-polygons
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An ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency package for very fast calculation of geodesic polygon areas. Calculation is based on the “geographiclib” code of Charles Karney, available at [https://github.com/geographiclib/geographiclib-c] https://github.com/geographiclib/geographiclib-c](https://github.com/geographiclib/geographiclib-c). These calculations are available in many other libraries and R packages, and are notably included in the ‘PROJ’ library, and used by many packages which bundles depend on that library, including and . All such packages, as well as the package which includes the C++ version of the C code bundled here, are large and generally packages, requiring extensive installation of a wide range of dependent libraries. The geoarea package in contrast does not depend on any other packages, and is much “lighter weight” than any of these alternatives.

The package contains one single function, geoarea(), which, like in the sibling package, geodist, aims to provide the fastest way of calculating areas of polygons expressed in longitude and latitude coordinates. This speed is primarily through this package foregoing any pre-processing stages such as coordinate reference system checking or transformations. All input values are passed directly to the core C routines, and return a single vector of two values quantifying the area and perimeter of the input polygon.

The following example is taken from the “geographiclib” source code, with the coordinates approximately defining the perimeter of Antarctica.

library (geoarea)
lats <- c (-72.9, -71.9, -74.9, -74.3, -77.5, -77.4, -71.7, -65.9, -65.7,
           -66.6, -66.9, -69.8, -70.0, -71.0, -77.3, -77.9, -74.7)
lons <- c (-74, -102, -102, -131, -163, 163, 172, 140, 113, 88, 59, 25, -4,
           -14, -33, -46, -61)
xy <- cbind (lons, lats)
geoarea (xy)
#>           area      perimeter 
#> 13376856682207       14710425

Even quicker area calculations

The geoarea() function has one additional parameter, “spherical”, which defaults to FALSE. Setting to TRUE enables very computationally efficient calculations of polygon areas presuming spherical, as opposed to ellipsoidal, geometry. The resultant areas will generally be less accurate than the default method, but are generally much faster to compute, as demonstrated in the following benchmark tests.


The following benchmarks the calculations of this package with the equivalent C++ routines included with the geosphere package, and the sf package.

library (bench)
library (sf)
library (geosphere)
lats <- c (-72.9, -71.9, -74.9, -74.3, -77.5, -77.4, -71.7, -65.9, -65.7,
           -66.6, -66.9, -69.8, -70.0, -71.0, -77.3, -77.9, -74.7)
lons <- c (-74, -102, -102, -131, -163, 163, 172, 140, 113, 88, 59, 25, -4,
           -14, -33, -46, -61)
xy <- cbind (lons, lats)
xys <- sf::st_polygon (list (rbind (xy, xy [1, ]))) |>
    sf::st_sfc (crs = 4326)

bench::mark (
    geoarea (xy),
    geoarea (xy, spherical = TRUE),
    geosphere::areaPolygon (xy),
    sf::st_area (xys),
    check = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   expression                         min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>                    <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 geoarea(xy)                    21.48µs  22.98µs    42857.      368B     0   
#> 2 geoarea(xy, spherical = TRUE)   5.62µs   6.46µs   148198.      368B    14.8 
#> 3 geosphere::areaPolygon(xy)     23.99µs  25.36µs    39153.      368B     3.92
#> 4 sf::st_area(xys)                3.43ms   3.51ms      281.    2.95MB     6.38