hypertrace / javaagent

Hypertrace OpenTelemetry Java agent with payload/body and headers data capture.
Apache License 2.0
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apm-agent apm-instrumentation javaagent opentelemetry opentelemetry-java-agent tracing

Hypertrace OpenTelemetry Java agent

Hypertrace distribution of OpenTelemetry Java agent.

This agent supports these frameworks and adds following capabilities:

List of supported frameworks with additional capabilities: Library/Framework Versions
Apache HttpAsyncClient 4.1+
Apache HttpClient 4.0+
gRPC 1.6+
JAX-RS Client 2.0+
Micronaut (basic support via Netty) 1.0+
Netty 4.0+
OkHttp 3.0+
Servlet 3.0+
Spark Web Framework 2.3+
Spring Webflux 5.0+
Vert.x 3.0+ (4 not supported yet)
Struts 2.3+

Adding custom filter implementation

Custom filter implementations can be added via FilterProvider SPI (Java service loader). The providers can be disabled at startup via ht.filter.provider.<provider-class-name>.disabled=true.


make init-submodules build

The final artifact is in javaagent/build/libs/hypertrace-agent-<version>-all.jar

Run & Configure

Download the latest version.

HT_REPORTING_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4317 java -javaagent:javaagent/build/libs/hypertrace-agent-<version>-all.jar -jar app.jar

By default the agent uses Otlp exporter.

The configuration precedence order

  1. OpenTelemetry Agent's trace config file OTEL_TRACE_CONFIG/otel.trace.config
  2. OpenTelemetry system properties and env variables
  3. Hypertrace configuration with the following precedence order:
    1. system properties
    2. environment variables, TODO add link to agent-config repo
    3. configuration file, specified HT_CONFIG_FILE=example-config.yaml

Disable instrumentation at startup

Instrumentations can be disabled by -Dotel.instrumentation.<instrumentation-name>.enabled=false.

The following instrumentation names disable only Hypertrace instrumentations, not core OpenTelemetry:

The Hypertrace instrumentations use also the core OpenTelemetry instrumentation names so for example -Dotel.instrumentation.servlet.enabled=false disables all servlet instrumentations including core OpenTelemetry and Hypertrace.


Tests use docker via Testcontainers.org.

When running tests from IDE set SMOKETEST_JAVAAGENT_PATH env variable.

make test

Further Reference

Read more in our 'Introducing Hypertrace Java Agent' blog post.