hypfvieh / dbus-java

Improved version of java DBus library provided by freedesktop.org (https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-java/)
MIT License
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dbus dbus-java java

Maven Build/Test JDK 17 Maven Build/Test JDK 21


Improved version of Java-DBus library provided by freedesktop.org with support for Java 17+.

Important information when updating from dbus-java 4.x.x and earlier

The new major is no drop-in replacement for earlier versions! It requires code changes and at least Java 17.

When migrating from 4.x to 5.x you have to fix/replace all usages of deprecated method calls and class usages. Everything deprecated in a previous major version (4.x/3.x) and marked "forRemoval" is gone in 5.x.

When migrating from 3.x, the main difference is the separation of dbus-java into multi module project. The base artifact is dbus-java-core and requires at least one additional transport artifact. A transport provides the code to connect to DBus daemon on various ways (e.g. unix socket or TCP).

When updating to 4.x you have to add at least one transport to your project. If you add a unix socket transport, you have to choose between jnr-unixsocket and native-unixsocket. The jnr implementation will pull in jnr-unixsocket, jnr-posix etc. to your project. It will also provide support for abstract unixsockets and is required if you want to use file descriptor passing. If you need file descriptors as well you also have to add a proper implementation for that (see below).

If you don't know what abstract unixsockets are and you don't need file descriptors you'll probably you can use native-unixsockets.

Upgrade notes for 5.1.0

Upgrading to 5.1.0 should be no problem in most cases.

Beginning with 5.1.0 the behavior of Variant<?> has been altered to get a more consistent behavior. More about that can be found here .

If you used DBusMap before, you should use LinkedHashMap instead.

All methods previously returned instances of DBusMap will now return LinkedHashMap. This is transparent if you didn't use DBusMap directly but using Map interface instead.

In this version the broken hashCode() implementation has been fixed in DBusPath allowing proper usage of DBusPath as Map key. Before equal objects did not create the same hashCode() breaking the contract of hashCode() and equals().

Note to SPI providers

If you have used the SPI to extend the MessageReader/Writer of dbus-java before dbus-java 4.x, you have to update your code. Old providers will not work with dbus-java 4.x/5.x because of changed SPI interfaces (sorry!).

The changes were required due to the support of native-unixsocket which is using java.nio, while the old dbus-java code uses the old java.io socket API.

With dbus-java 4.x (and 5.x as well), java.nio is used for all transports and therefore required changes on the SPI. ISocketProvider will now use SocketChannel instead of Socket in the exported methods.

Note for custom transports

If you previously used a custom transport you have to update your code when switching to dbus-java 5.x. The AbstractTransport base class has been changed and now provides different methods to separate client and listening (server) connections.

Additionally there is a new method called closeTransport() which must be implemented to ensure all used resources (e.g. SocketChannel or ServerSocketChannel instance) are properly closed. Previously a transport should have overridden close() and call super.close() after closing the transport. This is now longer needed (close() is now final and cannot be overriden) and is replaced by closeTransport().

The connectImpl() was previously existing and will now only be called for client side connections. The new methods bindImpl(), acceptImpl() and isBound() are used for server connections and has been added in dbus-java 5.x.

The reason to provide separate methods was to allow bootstrapping server connections before accepting connections. In the old implementation accept() was usually called in connectImpl() and therefore blocked the method until a client was connected. This blocked setting up the server side before the first client was connecting. This forced the user to use some random sleep times to wait for the server setup after first client connects. With the separation no more sleep waits are required.

With the new methods, everything related to setup the server socket should be done in bindImpl() including the binding of the listening socket (calling bind() on the server socket). Everything done in this method should not block. You mustn't call accept() on your server socket in bindImpl()!

In acceptImpl() it is expected that the transport calls accept() on its server socket and therefore this method will block. It must return the SocketChannel for each client connected (like connectImpl() does).

The isBound() method must return the bind status of the server socket. This means for example server socket is not null and server socket is opened. This method is used by AbstractTransport to determine if bindImpl() was called before and if the server socket is ready to accept connections.

How to use file descriptors?

In DBus-Java version below < 4.3.1 file descriptor usage was not supported out of the box and required a third party libary (see below). Starting with version 4.3.1 file descriptors are supported when using junixsocket-transport.

When trying to use file descriptors in dbus-java 3.x and not providing a implementation for this feature, you may see weird NullPointerExceptions thrown in Message class. In dbus-java < 4.3.1 you should see error messages indicating that file descriptors are not supported.

To use file descriptors with dbus-java version 4.x before 4.3.1 you have to do the following:

When using dbus-java-nativefd, you have to use version 2.x when using dbus-java 4.x/5.x and 1.x if you use dbus-java 3.x. DBus-java will automatically detect dbus-java-nativefd and will then provide access to file descriptors.

If you are using version 4.3.1 or higher, you may simple switch to dbus-java-transport-junixsocket (instead of dbus-java-transport-jnr-unixsocket or dbus-java-transport-native-unixsocket). You do this by adding dbus-java-transport-junixsocket to your classpath. Remember to remove the other unixsocket implementations because you are not allowed to have multiple implementations of the same protocol at once.

Please note:

When adding dbus-java-transport-junixsocket to your classpath, you will also pull-in some artifacts of junixsocket project. It is also possible that junixsocket will not work on your platform (depends on which platform and architecture you are using). They provide a lot of ready-to-use artifacts for different platforms and architectures, but certainly not for all possible combinations out there. In case your platform is not supported, you may try dbus-java-transport-jnr-unixsocket with com.rm5248:dbus-java-nativefd, compile junixsocket yourself or open a ticket at junixsocket asking for help.

Who uses dbus-java?

See the list in our Wiki



This project receives code contributions and donations from LogonBox.
However LogonBox is not responsible for this project and does not take influence in the development.
The library will remain open source and MIT licensed and can still be used, forked or modified for free.


Changes in 5.1.1 (not released yet):
Changes in 5.1.0 (2024-08-01):
Changes in 5.0.0 (2024-01-25):
Changes in 4.3.1 (2023-10-03):
Changes in 4.3.0 (2023-03-10):
Changes in 4.2.1 (2022-09-08):
Changes in 4.2.0 (2022-09-05):
Changes in 4.1.0 (2022-05-23):
Changes in 4.0.0 (2021-12-30):
Older Changes: See Wiki ChangeLog 3x