hyphacoop / crispy-couscous

MIT License
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melonJS ES6 Webpack Boilerplate

License: MIT

A simple ES6 Webpack based boilerplate to create games with melonJS, built with :


Ensure you have Node.js installed, then install all the build dependencies in the folder where you cloned the repository :

$ [sudo] npm install


if everything goes well, on running the dev server for the first time you should see this : boilerplate-helloworld

Note: when generating the production build, Webpack will attempt to filter files under the data folder to only copy final assets and ignore project files (e.g. .ftpp project files from Free Texture Packer). If you find your file being wrongly ignore you can easily add the corresponding extension in the webpack.config.js file

Folder structure

└── data
│    ├── bgm
│    ├── fnt
|    ├── img
|    ├── map
|    └── sfx
└── js
|    ├── renderables
|    └── stage
├── index.js
├── index.css
├── index.html
├── manifest.js
├── data
├── bundle.js
└── index.html

Debug plugin

In development mode, the boilerplate will automatically register and instantiate the melonJS Debug Plugin debug-panel

the Debug Panel is hidden by default and can be displayed using the "S" key, it will then provide the below information :

Note: Heap information requires starting Chrome with --enable-precise-memory-info

Additionally, using the checkbox in the panel it is also possible to draw :

Questions, need help ?

If you need technical support, you can contact us through the following channels :

For any other non technical related questions, feel free to also send us an email.