hypothesis / publisher-account-test-site

A test site for Hypothesis' Publisher Accounts feature
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Hypothesis Publisher Account Test Site

This is a web app to test how content publishers can use Hypothesis' Publisher Account feature to add annotation functionality to their pages which is integrated with their existing account system.

Publishers who just want to add the Hypothesis client to their pages and allow users to annotate using Hypothesis accounts can simply embed Hypothesis.

Installing the publisher account test site in a development environment

You will need

Clone the Git repo

git clone https://github.com/hypothesis/publisher-account-test-site.git

This will download the code into a publisher-account-test-site directory in your current working directory. You need to be in the publisher-account-test-site directory from the remainder of the installation process:

cd publisher-account-test-site

Create the development data and settings

Create the database contents and environment variable settings needed to get publisher-account-test-site working nicely with your local development instances of the rest of the Hypothesis apps:

make devdata

This requires you to have a git SSH key set up that has access to the private https://github.com/hypothesis/devdata repo. Otherwise make devdata will crash.

Start the development server

make dev

The first time you run make dev it might take a while to start because it'll need to install the application dependencies and build the client assets.

This will start the server on port 5050 (http://localhost:5050), reload the application whenever changes are made to the source code, and restart it should it crash for some reason.

That's it! You’ve finished setting up your publisher account test site development environment. Run make help to see all the commands that're available for linting etc.

Using the app

Once the development server is running:

  1. Go to http://localhost:5050 to view the test page.
  2. Enter a username and click "Sign up" to create an account on the publisher site.

The first time you log in with a particular username, a corresponding account will be created on the Hypothesis service.

After logging in, you can annotate content in the article by selecting text and clicking the "Annotate" or "Highlight" buttons that appear.

How it works

When you "Sign up" on the test site, a request is made to the Create user API to create an account with the given username within the namespace of your publisher account. When the page loads, it creates a JWT token for the logged-in user, using the client ID and secret, and embeds it in the generated page.

When the Hypothesis client runs, it calls the window.hypothesisConfig() function to fetch the configuration for the annotation client and reads the grant token. It then exchanges this grant token for an access token which allows the client to create annotations using this username.