hypothesis / report

The internal global reporting product for Hypothesis
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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The internal global reporting product for Hypothesis.

Used for internal purposes only.

Environment variables

Name Example Notes
DATABASE_URL postgresql://user:pw@host/report Postgres DSN for the report DB
HUBSPOT_API_KEY 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef API key for integration with Hubspot
H_CA_DATABASE_URL postgresql://user:pw@host/h Connection to H (Canada)
H_US_DATABASE_URL postgresql://user:pw@host/h Connection to H (US)
LMS_CA_DATABASE_URL postgresql://user:pw@host/lms Connection to LMS (Canada)
LMS_US_DATABASE_URL postgresql://user:pw@host/lms Connection to LMS (US)
MB_DB_USER metabase The username Metabase will use to access the report DB
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME report Report's New Relic name
NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT prod The environment we are deployed in
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef The licence key from New Relic
SENTRY_DSN 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef Connection details for Sentry error reporting
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT prod The Sentry environment

On top of the service own environment variables these are the metabase variables that we use:

Name Example Notes
MB_DB_DBNAME metabase Metabase database name
MB_DB_HOST localhost Metabase database host
MB_DB_PASS pass Metabase database password
MB_DB_PORT 5432 Metabase database port
MB_DB_TYPE postgres Metabase database type. We use postgres.
MB_DB_USER user Metabase database user

In addition, we are also providing some custom Java options

Name Value Description
JAVA_OPTS -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file://conf/report-log4j2.xml Custom log4j config

The full list of supported variables by metabase can be found here:


Setting up Your Report Development Environment

First you'll need to install:

Then to set up your development environment:

git clone https://github.com/hypothesis/report.git
cd report
make services
make devdata
make help

Changing the Project's Python Version

To change what version of Python the project uses:

  1. Change the Python version in the cookiecutter.json file. For example:

    "python_version": "3.10.4",
  2. Re-run the cookiecutter template:

    make template
  3. Re-compile the requirements/*.txt files. This is necessary because the same requirements/*.in file can compile to different requirements/*.txt files in different versions of Python:

    make requirements
  4. Commit everything to git and send a pull request

Changing the Project's Python Dependencies

To Add a New Dependency

Add the package to the appropriate requirements/*.in file(s) and then run:

make requirements

To Remove a Dependency

Remove the package from the appropriate requirements/*.in file(s) and then run:

make requirements

To Upgrade or Downgrade a Dependency

We rely on Dependabot to keep all our dependencies up to date by sending automated pull requests to all our repos. But if you need to upgrade or downgrade a package manually you can do that locally.

To upgrade a package to the latest version in all requirements/*.txt files:

make requirements --always-make args='--upgrade-package <FOO>'

To upgrade or downgrade a package to a specific version:

make requirements --always-make args='--upgrade-package <FOO>==<X.Y.Z>'

To upgrade all packages to their latest versions:

make requirements --always-make args=--upgrade