hytonhan / Timberborn-SimpleFloodgateTriggers

MIT License
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This plugin for Timberborn allows you to automate your Floodgates a little. Currently we offer automatic setting of floodgate height when a Drought starts or ends, based on a basic schedule or based on a Stream Gauge depth. Pretty neat.

The current version v2.0.2 only works with experimental v0.2.6.


The will add a simple UI fragment on the Floodgate UI. Example images below.

Floodgate UI

BasicTab AdvancedTab

Water pumps UI

WaterPumpBasicTab WaterpumpTimerTab WaterpumpAdvancedTab

Bear in mind that it is possible to create some very janky setups with enabling multiple triggers on the same floodgates. Automation is nice, but it isn't magic. Be careful, or you'll end up drying/flooding everything!



The fist settings on the Basic tab are related to Droughts. The available settings are:


The basic tab also contains the settings for automating floodgates based on a schedule.

Linking a Stream Gauge

On the Advanced you can link a Floodgate with a Stream Gauge. This allows you to control the Floodgate based on the water depth recorded by the Stream Gauge. The available settins are:

IMPORTANT! Be aware that if a Stream Gauge is linked, then the Floodgate's height will be set always when below low or above high threshold, instead of triggering once when the thresholds are crossed.

Water pumps and dumps

Normal and mechanical water pumps and wter dumps have similar setting compared to floodgates. The main difference is that instead of height, you can choose when to pause/resume the pumps.

Curretly you can only link a single Stream Gauge with a Floodgate or water pump. However, there is no limit with how many Floodgates can be connected to a certain StreamGauge.

Known Limitations

  1. The trigger settings are NOT synchronized to neighboring Floodgates. This might be fixed in the future
    • Though if you have a line of Floodgate that are synchronized, you only need to enable the trigger for one of them, as the built in synchronization will take care of the neighboring height when one is set.
  2. This plugin might cause some lag spikes when a drought ends or starts. They shouldn't be too heavy though


Recommended way to install this mod is through Thunderstore. You can install this plugin manually by cloning the repo, building it and adding the dll to your bepinex plugins folder. This plugin is dependent on the magnificent TimberAPI.


v4.0.2 - 6.10.2023

v4.0.1 - 6.10.2023

v4.0.0 - 30.9.2023

v3.4.4 - 29.4.2023

v3.4.3 - 29.4.2023

v3.4.2 - 29.4.2023

v3.4.1 - 22.4.2023

v3.4.0 - 22.4.2023

v3.3.2 - 21.4.2023

v3.3.1 - 21.4.2023

v3.3.0 - 11.2.2023

v3.2.0 - 16.12.2022

v3.1.2 - 6.12.2022

v3.1.1 - 11.10.2022

v3.1.0 - 7.10.2022

v3.0.1 - 25.9.2022

v3.0.0 - 23.9.2022

v2.1.0 - 7.9.2022

v2.0.2 - 6.9.2022

v2.0.1 - 6.9.2022

v2.0.0 - 5.9.2022

v1.0.3 - 11.6.2022

v1.0.2 - 3.6.2022

v1.0.1 - 30.3.2022

v1.0.0 - 29.3.2022

v0.2.0 - 22.3.2022

v0.1.2 - 20.3.2022

v0.1.1 - 19.3.2022

v0.1.0 - 19.3.2022