hyunkeup / DeepFake-Video-Detection

DeepFake Detector
MIT License
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DeepFake Detection


# Pytorch
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

# Others
pip install numpy opencv-python moviepy librosa facenet_pytorch matplotlib marlin_pytorch torchmetrics

Dataset Preprocessing

The implementation includes several preprocessing steps to prepare the DFDC dataset for training:

  1. Detect People Count in Videos: We currently focus on videos featuring a single person. The detection results are saved in final_metadata.json.

    Script: dfdc_preprocessing/speaker_labeling.py --root_dir {./full_dataset} --sub_folders {dfdc_train_part_0 dfdc_train_part_1...} --num_threads {4}

  2. Extract Audio from Video: We separate the audio component from the raw video samples.

    Script: dfdc_preprocessing/prepare_raw_dataset.py --root_dir {./full_dataset} --sub_folders {dfdc_train_part_0 dfdc_train_part_1...} --save_dir {./raw_dataset}

  3. Extract Cropped Face Segments: Faces are cropped from the raw video and saved as .npy files for training.

    Script: dfdc_preprocessing/extract_faces.py --root_dir {./prepared_raw_sample_videos} --save_dir {./preprocessed_sample_videos} --num_threads {4}

  4. Extract Cropped Audio: Corresponding audio segments are extracted from the cropped videos and saved as .wav and .png files.

    Script: dfdc_preprocessing/extract_audios_and_features.py -root_dir {./prepared_raw_sample_videos} --save_dir {./preprocessed_sample_videos} --num_threads {4}

  5. Create Annotations: We generate {--root_dir}/annotation.txt files from the processed dataset for use with PyTorch's DataLoader.

    • Script: dfdc_preprocessing/create_annotations.py --root_dir {./prepared_raw_sample_videos}


main.py --annotation_path {./annotations.txt} --n_threads {4} --marlin_model {marlin_vit_small_ytf} --train --test --val

Original Dataset information from DFDC

Deepfake Detection Challenge Dataset


    {filename}: {
        "label": ("FAKE" or "REAL"),
        "split": "train"