A command-line app that can capture RGBD images from Intel RealSense D435i and perform registration on them based on RGB edge extraction, rotation estimation through D435i's IMU, Normal Distributions Transform (NDT), and Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.
Our goal is to be able to create 3D models of indoor scenes with abundant RGB edges.
Since librealsense2 only fully supports Linux platforms, so does this app.
cmake .
make all
capture and perform registration for NR_CLOUDS time using dynamic rotation estimation with the IMU of RealSense D435i.
capture clouds for NR_CLOUDS time and save them to dataset/${FILENAME}-${CLOUD_IDX}.pcd CLOUD_IDX is given based on the order of capture
perform registration for NR_CLOUDS time on files named dataset/${FILENAME}-${CLOUD_IDX}.pcd using estimated rotation degree of ROTATION_DEG as initial guesses. Default ROTATION_DEG: -30 degrees
view pointcloud saved at dataset/${FILENAME}.pcd
print this help
./rs-pcl --all 3
./rs-pcl --capture test 3
./rs-pcl --registration test 3
./rs-pcl --registration test 45 3
./rs-pcl --view test