hyve9 / samplifi

MIT License
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Add harmonic content to music to help hearing impaired listeners hear music better.


Install packages:

sudo apt install libasound2-dev portaudio19-dev

Create conda environment:

conda create -f environment.yml -n samplifi
conda activate samplifi

Because the conda environment complains about tensorflowjs and ddsp, you'll need to install them manually. For example, with tensorflowjs:

pip install tensorflowjs --no-deps


Samplifi can be run on single inputs or MIR datasets. Single input

python run-samplifi.py --input <input.wav>


python run-samplifi.py --dataset medley_solos_db

Usually against a dataset you will want scores. There are two scoring metrics: HAAQI, and spectral measures (from librosa, corresponding to musical perceptual qualities).

python run-samplifi.py --dataset medley_solos_db --score-haaqi --score-spectral

Downloading datasets

run-samplifi.py does not download any datasets and will fail if you haven't done so already. Download can be done with download-mir-dataset.py

python download-mir-dataset.py --dataset medley_solos_db

Running analysis

analyze-results.py can be used to analyze the results of a run, generating graphs and other statistical data.

python analyze-results.py --file evaluation_medley_solos_db.json

Full usage

usage: download-mir-dataset.py [-h] --dataset DATASET

Download an MIR dataset.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET  The name of the MIR dataset to download
usage: run-samplifi.py [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output] [--dataset DATASET] [--sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE] [--eval-haaqi] [--eval-spectral] [--titrate] [--spectrogram] [--audiogram] [--ddsp DDSP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT         Input
  --output              Write output files (this always happens when running against a single input file)
  --dataset DATASET     Run against a MIR dataset. (Run download-mir-dataset.py first to download the dataset.)
  --sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE
                        Number of samples to run against the dataset (0 for all samples)
  --eval-haaqi          Compute HAAQI scores
  --eval-spectral       Compute spectral evaluations of signal
  --titrate             Try several different mixture ratios
  --spectrogram         Display spectrograms
  --audiogram           Display audiograms
  --ddsp DDSP           What instrument to attempt timbre transfer
usage: analyze-results.py [-h] --file FILE [--include-f0]

Analyze results from Samplifi run.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --file FILE   The analysis results file to parse
  --include-f0  Include the f0 ratio data for line graphs

Using as a module

You can include samplifi.py as a module for your work.

git submodule add git@github.com:hyve9/samplifi.git
git submodule update --init

Then in your code:

samplifi_dir = (Path.cwd() / 'samplifi/')
from samplifi import apply_samplifi


# Load audio
orig_sarr, orig_sr = librosa.load(input_path, sr=None) # ndarray of amplitude values

# Run samplifi
sarr, marr, f0_contour, f0_mix, sr = apply_samplifi(orig_sarr, orig_sr)

I'll get around to making a proper PyPi module one day ;)


This project uses code from:

See individual files for specific attributions.