i10labtitech / GINGER

GNU General Public License v3.0
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GINGER: Gradual INtegrated GEne Reconstruction

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188193d80a99275cb238f04871a0fd80de32615f GINGER is a tool that is implemented an integrated method for gene structure prediction in higher eukaryotes. RNA-Seq-based methods, ab initio-based methods, homology-based methods are performed, and then gene structures are reconstructed via dynamic programming with appropriately weighted and scored exon/intron/intergenic regions. Different prediction processes and filtering criteria are applied to multi-exon and single-exon genes. This pipeline is implemented using Nextflow.

Web site

https://github.com/i10labtitech/GINGER https://anaconda.org/i10labtitech/ginger


See "Requirements" section in INSTALL.


See "Installation" section in INSTALL.



Set nextflow.config properly. See "Settings" section in INSTALL


Commands A (using the Docker image)

The command to kick the docker image with the prepared Perl script is as follows. (Docker image: i10labtitech/tools:GINGER_v1.0.1)

'''sh generateSampleData_cel [Directory name for sample input data (e.g. sample_data_cel)]

Copy and edit nextflow.config

runGINGER.pl nextflow.config.user '''

'''sh cd /XXX/XXX/output_cel/ runEvaluatePred.pl /XXX/XXX/sample_data_cel/GCF_000002985.6_WBcel235_genomic.gff ./ginger_phase2.gff RNA CDS RNA CDS '''

Commands B (using installed GINGER)

The command to run GINGER after installing it is as follows. Put nextflow.config into your working directory. If you want to run the preparation phase all at once, type like following. phase2.sh requires an argument specifying minimum CDS length. 50 is an example.

If you have installed the conda package using "conda" or "mamba" command, you can obatain the automatically configured nextflow.config file for tool paths in the current directory using the "gingerInitCfg" command.

'''sh(If you have installed the conda package using "conda" or "mamba" command) mamba install -c i10labtitech ginger gingerInitCfg

Then, a nextflow.config file will be generated in the current directory.

Edit the paths of input files, the output directory, the scratch directory path,

the number of threads used, and the maximum memory capacity, among other settings,

in the nextflow.config file.


'''sh nextflow -C nextflow.config run /path/to/pipeline/ginger.nf /path/to/pipeline/phase0.sh nextflow.config /path/to/pipeline/phase1.sh nextflow.config > phase1.log /path/to/pipeline/phase2.sh 50 /path/to/pipeline/summary.sh nextflow.config ''' [Note] "/path/to/pipeline/" a path to a directory <"pipeline/" in GINGER's source tree> [Note] An automatically calculated threshold for the score is written like "score threshold = 1.25" in phase1.log.

If you want to run each methods separetely in the preparation phase, type like following. abinitio.nf must be executed after mapping.nf. The order in which denovo.nf and homology.nf are executed do not depend on them.

'''sh nextflow -C nextflow.config run /path/to/pipeline/mapping.nf nextflow -C nextflow.config run /path/to/pipeline/denovo.nf nextflow -C nextflow.config run /path/to/pipeline/abinitio.nf nextflow -C nextflow.config run /path/to/pipeline/homology.nf /path/to/pipeline/phase0.sh nextflow.config /path/to/pipeline/phase1.sh nextflow.config > phase1.log /path/to/pipeline/phase2.sh 50 /path/to/pipeline/summary.sh nextflow.config '''

To set a threshold for reconstructed gene structure's scores in the merge phase, type like following (use phase1_manual.sh instead of phase1.sh). The first argument is the threshold. 1.0 is an example.

'''sh /path/to/pipeline/phase1_manual.sh nextflow.config 1.0 '''

Final output

The final outputs: