i11 / cosh

Container shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link


Container shell is meant to act as an aggregator or a manager for containers that were built following the Unix philosophy (i.e. minimalistic and self-contained). It provides the means to dynamically assemble required runtime environment.

Imagine the scenario where certain project would require a number of commands for it to run or build that would not be directly present on the given system. In such case cosh would attempt to acquire corresponding images and execute commands through running the containers as if it would be the usual command execution.

Local experimentation

pip install -r requirements.txt
cosh --help


cosh git status
cosh java -version
cosh java:8-jdk-latest -version
cosh gcloud config list
# Interactive
cosh sbt

Advanced examples

Use cosh to do a maven build

# Cloning repo
cosh git clone https://github.com/i11/jackson-datatype-datastore
cd jackson-datatype-datastore

# Compiling and running tests. Specific version is required since project depends on java8
cosh mvn:3.5.4-java8-2 clean test

Use cosh for gcloud as docker's credential helper

# Configure docker's gcloud credential helper
cosh gcloud auth configure-docker

# Docker insists on matching executable in the PATH
echo -e '#!/bin/bash -e'"\ncosh docker-credential-gcloud \"\$@\"" > /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud

# Get your image
docker pull gcr.io/your-project/your-image-name:tag

See https://store.docker.com/profiles/actions for more available commands.



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