i1ich / AR-Project-SPbSTU-2021

AR Project - interactive campus map of SPbSTU
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Team members:

Ilia Doinikov — techlead

Alexander Kolodinsky

Yampil Darizhapov — teamlead

Ivan Troshchenkov


AR Project - interactive quest on SPBSTU campus territory. Quest will include mini-games that based on unique AR mechanics which are often not used in popular AR games. Many popular AR games do not use AR game mechanics as such. For example, Pokemon GO: Pokemon GO , which simply places the Pokemon on the view of your cam, and its main mechanics are more geolocation-dependent than AR-dependent. The rest of the AR games are port of regular mobile AR games. Oftentimes, these games don't use AR mechanics, but simply port the game's playing field to AR. Examples: Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs: Angry Birds

(angry birds in AR)

The Walking Dead: Our World The Walking Dead: Our World

(shooter in AR)

Knightfall AR Knightfall

(tower defense in AR)

Commit requirements:

  1. Language: English
  2. Bare infinitive (add, fix, load)
  3. Header line must begin with issue number(#101)
  4. Brief changes description — in header
  5. What changes have been made — in description
  6. Enumeration in description starts from "-" with space after that. One line — one change.

    Commit example:


    #322 Add textures


    - add wall texture
    - add ground texture

    Code style:

    Camel case:

    int camelCase; class CamelCase...


    Letterhead of file: /*

    • FILE: "###.###"
    • File description(vector declaratioт file e.g.)
    • Members: Vasya Pupkin, Sasha Trubkin
    • Date: 12.12.2012 */


      /Vector handle class/


      /* Sum of two vector function

      • ARGUMENTS:
        • vectors to Add
      • Vec a, Vec b
      • RETURNS: (Vec) sum of 2 vectors */ Vec Sum(Vec a, Vec b);

        Objects in classes:

        // Components double x, y, z

        Comments are also welcomed before each semantic block of the program:

        // Sort components for... ...