i3 / i3.github.io

The i3wm.org website
191 stars 60 forks source link

Logo i3wm.org: The website for the i3 tiling window manager


This is the source code for the official i3 website: https://i3wm.org/.


You will need Jekyll and AsciiDoc. First, generate the docs from the _docs folder with make -C _docs -j. Move the HTML files from _docs to docs (notice the underscore!): mv _docs/*.html docs/. Then, use jekyll build and you can finally serve the website locally with jekyll serve.


Changes to the docs should happen first on the i3 source code repository, in the docs folder. So, for example, if you want to make changes to the userguide you will have to submit a pull request first to the i3 github repository and then (optionally, if your change should be applied immediately to the userguide) submit a PR in this repository as well.

Docs use the AsciiDoc format. Edit the file in _docs, then follow the building process above. When submitting a pull request, include both the changed files in _docs and the corresponding generated HTML files.