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Call to "stx_check_config_files.pro" can cause the startup script to hang #205

Closed ennosigaeus closed 5 months ago

ennosigaeus commented 5 months ago

Short Description Säm Freeland noticed that the startup script hangs at "stx_check_config_files".

Details Message from Säm:

Executive Summary: Please check SSL Certificate expiration date for {http,https}://dataarchive.stix.i4ds.net (?)
My test w/hang yesterday was via LMSAL server ; that means via LMCO proxy;   so at least one extra moving part compared to non-proxy SSW clients.
I repeated the stix startup test via a stanford sswidl client (solar3.stanford.edu) so "simpler" / No Proxy involved.
Still flagged an issue at the same line (160) of stx_check_config_files.pro - but instead of hanging did this:
Licensed for use by: Stanford University
Executing SSW IDL_STARTUP for: GEN
% Compiled module: STX_CHECK_CONFIG_FILES.    <<< stix IDL_STARTUP
% Compiled module: DEFAULT.
... etc ...
% Compiled module: TEST_OPEN.
% IDLNETURL::GET:  CCurlException:  Error: Http Get Request Failed. Error =
              SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired, Curl Error   <<<<<
              Code = 60..
% Execution halted at: STX_CHECK_CONFIG_FILES  160
%                      $MAIN$          
... etc...

IDL>   ; << in spite of "Execution Halted" message, continues since all of the IDL_STARTUPs are run via IDL 'execute' <main_execute.pro>

The lmsal 'hang' v. stanford 'report/continue' may have same root cause (SSL certs?) , but LMCO-Proxy has less of a sense of humor.

Screenshots N/A, see console log above.

Files https://github.com/i4Ds/STIX-GSW/blob/c8810fd5600d3fc23990125f63cf03af9accc47c/stix/idl/processing/spectrogram/stx_check_config_files.pro#L4

Example Code Simply start the environment using your standard SSW IDL script. NB: So far, only Säm was able to reproduce the issue.


samaloney commented 5 months ago

I did notice before that the server only has SSL cert for https://pub099.cs.technik.fhnw.ch and not https://dataarchive.stix.i4ds.net

ennosigaeus commented 5 months ago

I did notice before that the server only has SSL cert for https://pub099.cs.technik.fhnw.ch and not https://dataarchive.stix.i4ds.net

Hm, I wonder who set up the SSL certificate, @nicHoch or @drhlxiao.