STIX Ground-Analysis Software Package
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STIX-GSW (STIX Ground Software)

Welcome to the GitHub repository of the IDL-based STIX ground analysis software. Please visit stixpy for the Python version.

Who to contact

If you have any question, need assistance or found a bug, please don't hesitate to contact the people below. Topic Contact E-Mail GitHub Account
Aspect and pointing Frédéric Schuller fschuller [at] aip [dot] de @FredSchuller
Spectroscopy and OSPEX Ewan Dickson ewan [dot] dickson [at] uni-graz [dot] at @grazwegian
Imaging Paolo Massa massa [dot] p [at] dima [dot] unige [dot] it @paolomassa
Imaging-spectroscopy Andrea F. Battaglia andrea [dot] battaglia [at] fhnw [dot] ch @afbattaglia
Website Hualin Xiao hualin [dot] xiao [at] fhnw [dot] ch @drhlxiao
IDL tools Ewan Dickson ewan [dot] dickson [at] uni-graz [dot] at @grazwegian
Python tools Shane Maloney shane [dot] maloney [at] dias [dot] ie @samaloney
Data requests Säm Krucker krucker [at] berkeley [dot] edu
General issues Säm Krucker krucker [at] berkeley [dot] edu
SolarSoftware Säm Freeland freeland [at] lmsal [dot] com

A few words on the software development workflow and how to contribute

Anyone using the analysis software is invited to contribute. Either by creating an issue in the issue tracker or adding their code to the software repository. There are some guidelines and rules, however.

Creating an issue

Did you find a bug in the code? Did you encounter an issue or a particularity? Or are you missing some functionality? Then go to our issue tracker and check if your problem has already been reported. There is a filter/search bar at the top. If you do not find your issue already, create a new one. You do not need to assign anybody or add any tags. However, please leave us enough information so we can figure out how to best approach the problem or feature. Try to follow this structure:

Once you submit your issue, we will have a look and assign all the essential tags and people to it. We may also leave a few follow-up questions for you, so don't forget to check back with your issue from time to time.

Adding your code

Fantastic of you to decide to support our development effort. The following lines offer an abstract description of the software development workflow we follow:

  1. Let us know that you would like to help, and let's work together. Especially if you would like to start work on issues from the tracker.
  2. Create a fork of the STIX GSW repository (you only need to do this once)
  3. Create a local branch within the forked GSW version (do this for every new feature or bugfix)
  4. Enter the local branch and start modifying the code
  5. Once you are happy with your work - step 1: Review your code and make sure it looks clean, is easily understandable, and is sufficiently well documented.
  6. Once you are happy with your work - step 2: Create an upstream pull request.
  7. At this point, we will review your pull requirest and may get back to you with questions or feedback.
  8. Once we are happy with your work, we'll merge your pull request and close it. Thanks ;)

Running the IDL STIX ground analysis software