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support for ITI-57 #71

Open oliveregger opened 2 years ago

oliveregger commented 2 years ago

feature request to support for ITI-57 for deletion of documents in the MTP

Quentin: As discussed earlier, here’s how you can delete a document in the PMP.

The document must be Approved (not Deprecated). The document must be at the end of its document chain (i.e. if an MTP has been prescribed, you have to delete first the PRE, then the MTP).

It’s done by sending an ITI-57 query with the ‘ur example-iti57.txt n:e-health-suisse:2019:deletionStatus’ extra metadata set to ‘urn:e-health-suisse:2019:deletionStatus:deletionRequested’. Unfortunately, you have to send all required attributes but they’ll be ignored, the request just has to be structurally valid (it’ll be checked by IPF).

I join an example of such a request.

unixoid commented 1 month ago

@oliveregger @qligier For this issue, we have to agree how to represent DocumentEntry.logicalID in FHIR. Currently, MAG maps DocumentEntry.entryUUID to DocumentReference.identifier with use=OFFICIAL. The problem is that logicalID is not less official. I propose to introduce corresponding type codes and use Identifier.type to distinguish between entryUUID and logicalID.

@staffoleo: FYI

oliveregger commented 1 month ago

I think we have take this up to the ITI tech comittee because the definition for DocumentEntry.entryUUID to DocumentReference.identifier with use=OFFICIAL was done by them, and we can for sure ask for guidance how to represent logicalID

unixoid commented 1 week ago

See pull request #153. A change proposal to IHE MHD is on the way.

unixoid commented 1 week ago

Pull request to IHE MHD: https://github.com/IHE/ITI.MHD/pull/234

@oliveregger, you are a co-chair there, aren't you? May I ask you to be a reviewer of the PR (as required in the PR template)?