The Mobile Access Gateway is an implementation based on the CH EPR mHealth (CI-Build) implementation guide.
It provides a FHIR Gateway supporting the PIXm and MHD server actors and uses XDS/PIXV3 to communicate with an XDS Affinity Domain.
Current configuration works with XDSTools7, a simulator is setup where the Mobile Access Gateway connects.
Patient Manager is used for simulating PIX V3.
See client.http for example calls to the Mobile Access Gateway.
mvn install
mvn clean compile && mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ch.bfh.ti.i4mi.mag.MobileAccessGateway"
To run your own configuration stored in a properties file use the -Dspring.config.additional-location
Any config parameter that is not specified in the file will be taken from the defaults.
If your config file is called "" run it using:
mvn clean compile && mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ch.bfh.ti.i4mi.mag.MobileAccessGateway"
documentation is maintained in docs folder using mkdocs-material:
docs are then available at
The GUI is an Angular project stored in the angular/ directory. The compiled project is stored in the Java application resources (src/main/resources/static/). If you modify the Angular project, you have to rebuild it:
cd angular
npm install
npm run build-mag
The Mobile Access Gateway can run in a docker container and can be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.
To create a new docker image run:
mvn clean package
docker build -t mag:v059 .
Where "mag" is the image name and v030 is the version. Then push to a registry.
kubectl create configmap mobile-access-gateway-configmap --from-file=application.yml=myconfig/application.yml
kubectl create secret generic mobile-access-gateway-secret --from-file=client.jks=myconfig/client-certificate.jks --from-file=server.p12=myconfig/server-certificate.jks --from-file=idp.jks=myconfig/idp.jks
kubectl apply -f myconfig/kubernetes-config.yml
Select a short identifier (no spaces, no special characters) for the IDP you want to connect to. This identifier will be called
Which instance of the MAG should be able to connect to the IDP? You need a separate registration for each instance. The base-url of the MAG instance including protokoll, domain, port (if not 80 or 443) and base path will be called
You need a metadata file from the IDP. Either this metadata is freely available in the internet under a fixed URL or you need to receive the file through another channel and store the metadata XML file in the MAGs configuration directory. An example IDP metadata file (for gazelle) can be found here:
Signing and encryption keys for SAML are in an extra keystore specified in the "mag.iua.idp" section. It is possible to reuse keys from the keystore for multiple IDPs, but it might be better to have separate keys for each provider so that you can exchange the keys for a single provider only. Each provider might have different requirements about the keys and certificates used. (for example the certificate needs to contain a support email address) Here is an example how to create a signing key. Adopt according to requirements of IDP.
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout signKey.key -out signKey.crt
Repeat the same for the TLS key: (another example with extended requirements)
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 1460 -newkey rsa:4096 -extensions client_ext -extfile myssl.conf -outform PEM -keyout tlsKey.key -out tlsKey.cer
myssl.conf must contain section:
# Client Certificate Extensions
[ client_ext ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature
extendedKeyUsage = critical, clientAuth
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always
issuerAltName = issuer:copy
Convert your keys into keystores and merge those.
Choose an "alias" (a name) for both keys. Replace
openssl pkcs12 -export -in signKey.crt -inkey signKey.key -name "<sign-key-alias>" -out signKey.p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -in tlsKey.crt -inkey tlsKey.key -name "<tls-key-alias>" -out tlsKey.p12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore signKey.p12 -destkeystore tlsKey.p12 -alias <sign-key-alias>
In the application.yml file for the MAG instance add a section to "mag.iua.idps". A section looks like this:
metadata-url: <metadata-url>
key-alias: <sign-key-alias>
key-password: <sign-key-password>
tls-key-alias: <tls-key-alias>
tls-key-password: <tls-key-password>
Run the MAG with the updated configuration. You can now download the SP metadata file which needs to be communicated to the IDP provider.
The metadata XML file may be downloaded from
Write an email to the IDP provider with either the metadata file itself and/or the URL where the metadata file can be downloaded.
In angular/src/app/mag/mag.component.html is the provider select list which may be extended with new entries.