The public documentation of the iAM.AMR project.
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iAM.AMR Project Documentation

This repo contains the source code (i.e. the plain-text) of the iAM.AMR Documentation site hosted by Read the Docs.

For more details, see the Documentation section section of the documentation site.


The recommended fields are:

Author(s): The iAM.AMR Team.
Date: 2022
Title: The iAM.AMR Project Documentation.
URL: https://docs.iam.amr.pub
DOI: (see below).


We use Zenodo to generate DOIs for our documentation.

Zenodo provides a static DOI for the project (a concept DOI), and a version DOI for each GitHub release (more details).

Concept DOI

You can use the Concept DOI representing all versions in citations when it is desirable to cite an evolving research artifact, without being specific about the version.


Version DOI

You should normally always use the DOI for the specific version of your record in citations. This is to ensure that other researchers can access the exact research artefact you used for reproducibility. By default, Zenodo uses the specific version to generate citations.




Empty Cache

If recent changes have been made to the documentation, they may not be reflected in browser, or may be incorrectly displayed due to cached elements (like the navigation side-bar).

We can clear the cache specifically for the documentation site.

Chrome / Edge

  1. Open Chrome/Edge, and copy chrome://settings/siteData into the omnibox (the address bar).
  2. Locate the documentation site, either in full docs.iam.amr.pub, or as the base domain amr.pub.
  3. Use the garbage can icon to delete the cached data.


  1. Open Firefox, and copy about:preferences#privacy into the address bar.
  2. Scroll down to Cookies and Site Data and click on the “Manage Data…” button.
  3. Locate the documentation site by searching for the base domain amr.pub.
  4. Use the Remove Selected button to delete the cached data.