iFindTA / PBGMService

国密算法 sm2/sm3/sm4 Objc封装!作者观点:重点不是算法而是密钥安全性!
MIT License
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PBGMService v1.2

国密 SM2/SM3/SM4 Objective-C2.0封装!目前仅有iOS平台,更多平台请稍后...


鉴于目前网上关于国密算法资料都是零散不完整的现状, 作者近两天整理了一下相关的算法并公布出来, 以期望大家能够方便的在iOS平台更方便的使用国密算法



New Features



#pragma mark --- SM2 Algorithm ---

 random key-pairs for sm2

 @return [0][1] for public-key, [2] for private-key
- (NSArray <NSString *>*)randomSM2KeyPairs;

 encrypt plain string with sm2

 @param str for plain string
 @param key for public
 @return cipher string
- (NSString * _Nullable)sm2_encryptPlainString:(NSString *)str withPublicKey:(NSString *)key;

 decrypt cipher string with sm2

 @param str for cipher string
 @param key for private
 @return plain string
- (NSString * _Nullable)sm2_decryptCipherString:(NSString *)str withPrivateKey:(NSString *)key;

 sign plain string for sm2

 @param str for plain string
 @param uid user-identifier
 @param key for private
 @return signed string
- (NSString * _Nullable)sm2_signPlainString:(NSString *)str withUID:(NSString *)uid withPrivateKey:(NSString *)key;

 verify sign with plain string for sm2

 @param str for plain string
 @param sign for signed string
 @param uid user-identifier
 @param key for public
 @return whether equal origin
- (BOOL)sm2_verifyWithPlainString:(NSString *)str withSigned:(NSString *)sign withUID:(NSString *)uid withPublicKey:(NSString *)key;

#pragma mark --- SM3 Algorithm ---

 hash data for sm3

 @param plainData for input plain data
 @return hash result, null for error
- (NSData * _Nullable)sm3_hashWithPainData:(NSData *)plainData;

 hash file for sm3

 @param path for plain data file path
 @param completion callback for hash result
- (void)sm3_hashWithFilePath:(NSString *)path withCompletion:(void(^_Nullable)(NSError*_Nullable err, NSData *_Nullable hash))completion;

#pragma mark --- SM4 Algorithm ---

 random iv for sm4
- (NSString *)randomSM4IV __attribute((deprecated(("not use anymore!"))));

 random key for sm4
- (NSString *)randomSM4Key;

 encrypt plain data for sm4

 @param plainData to be encrypted
 @param key for sm4 cbc-mode
 @return encrypt result, null for error
- (NSData * _Nullable)sm4_encryptData:(NSData *)plainData withCipherKey:(NSString *)key NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);

 decrypt cipher data for sm4

 @param cipherData to be decrypted
 @param key for sm4 cbc-mode
 @return decrypt result, null for error
- (NSData * _Nullable)sm4_decryptData:(NSData *)cipherData withCipherKey:(NSString *)key NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);

 encrypt plain file for sm4-ecb

 @param srcPath for origin file path
 @param desPath for destnation file path
 @param key for sm4-ecb
 @param completion for call back, null error if success
- (void)sm4_encryptFile:(NSString *)srcPath withDestFilePath:(NSString *)desPath withCipherKey:(NSString *)key withCompletion:(void(^_Nullable)(NSError*_Nullable err))completion;

 decrypt cipher file for sm4-ecb

 @param srcPath for cipher file path
 @param desPath for plain file path
 @param key fir sm4-ecb
 @param completion for call back, null error if success
- (void)sm4_decryptFile:(NSString *)srcPath withDestFilePath:(NSString *)desPath withCipherKey:(NSString *)key withCompletion:(void(^_Nullable)(NSError*_Nullable err))completion;


step 1:引入framework(不到3M大小)
PBSMx.framework(支持i386/x86_64/armv7/arm64)是已经编译好的静态库,可以直接使用,引入工程即可(target-->build phase-->link binary with libraries)
step2:pod install --OpenSSL
pod 'OpenSSL', '~> 1.0.210'
step3:Other link flags
SM2算法C++部分编译需要。设置Other Linker Flags添加:

编译即可,enjoy it!




TODO List:

