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[Clojure] Implement new concept exercise: numbers #31

Closed bobbicodes closed 4 years ago

bobbicodes commented 4 years ago

This issue describes a new numbers concept exercise for the Clojure track.


The goal of this exercise is to teach the student how numbers are implemented in Clojure. Since they are generally represented as per Java, and the official reference docs provide little additional insight, care should be taken to be concise but also comprehensive. While Clojure is a hosted language, it must not be assumed that the student is familiar with the host language's concepts, in this case Java numbers,

Things to teach

After completing this exercise, the student should:

Things not to teach

The following things are outside the scope of this exercise:


This Concepts Exercise's Concepts are:


Numbers are language primitives, therefore this exercise should be reasonably self-explanatory. It would not be fair to assume prior knowledge beyond simple counting.

Resources to refer to




This exercise does not require any specific representation logic to be added to the representer.


This exercise does not require any specific logic to be added to the analyzer.


To implement a Clojure concept exercise, the following files must be created:

└── clojure
    └── exercises
        └── concept
            └── <SLUG>
                ├── .docs
                |   ├── instructions.md
                |   ├── introduction.md
                |   ├── hints.md
                |   └── after.md (optional)
                ├── .meta
                |   |── design.md
                |   └── Example.clj
                ├── <NAME>.clj
                └── <NAME>_test.clj


If you have any questions while implementing the exercise, please post the questions as comments in this issue.