iHiD / v3

The work-in-progress project for developing v3 tracks
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Exercism - v3

Welcome to the workspace for Exercism v3!

Exercism v3 is the third major iteration of Exercism, which we are aiming to launch around June 2020. It aims to both add exciting new features and to fix some of the issues present in v2, especially those around being blocked while waiting for a mentor. Its main features include:

We are busy working away on the product and development work to add all this functionality, but we need contributors to help get our language tracks into the necessary state for v3. Our biggest need right now is for the implementation of Concept Exercises, but there are also lots of other tasks that we will need help with too. Throughout the development of v3, track maintainers will be creating issues tagged with status/help-wanted. You can choose any issue and comment saying you want to work on it, and it will then be "assigned" to you.

To get started please explore the issues in the language you wish to contribute to:

If you are a Track Maintainer, please start here.

More information