You can download the latest version here. Once downloaded, you're free to use all the Sketch files for UI design work. You're just not allowed to re-package it and claim it as your own— we're all sharing this, plus all designs are from Apple.
Here's what's included in the repo:
You can use the included Sketch files to figure out the overall look and feel of iOS 10, as well as copy the metrics for UI elements. This UI kit is best paired with the iOS Human Interface Guidelines by Apple.
We want designers and developers to share these design files, and contribute to this repo as the iOS 10 beta changes over time. This is the goal of this UI kit.
If you want to work on something and submit it, simply:
If you're familiar with Git, clone the repo and feel free to tweak the files included. If you end up adding new features, screens, UI elements— or change things as the iOS 10 beta improves over time— submit a pull request and we'll merge it back for everyone to share!
There is only a few steps to contribute to the iOS 10 UI Kit!
goes to the folder you tell it to go, if you cloned the repository in the Desktop, just do cd UI
, or the name of the folder at that time.git branch name-branch
.That's it in the terminal! You can close it until next time!
and tap it.Pull Request
with it.You'll get asked for a title and a description, if you fill that in and tap Create Pull Request
, you are done! :P
Adding images makes it easier to review! :)
There are tons of courses to learn Git! Here is one for instance.
You can also share this repo with your friends. The more people that know about this, the more people will contribute to it! Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or, if you're into taboo, share it on LinkedIn.