iShapeUnity / Triangulation

Complex polygon triangulation. A fast O(n*log(n)) algorithm based on "Triangulation of monotone polygons". The result can be represented as a Delaunay triangulation.
MIT License
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Triangulation Port

Complex polygon triangulation, tessellation and split into convex polygons. A fast O(n*log(n)) algorithm based on "Triangulation of monotone polygons". The result can be represented as a Delaunay triangulation.

Delaunay triangulation

Triangulation with extra points


Centroid net


💡 Fast O(n*log(n)) algorithm based on "Triangulation of monotone polygons"

💡 All code is written to suit "Data Oriented Design". No reference type like class, just structs.

💡 Supports polygons with holes

💡 Supports plain and Delaunay triangulation

💡 Supports tesselation

💡 Supports building centroid net

💡 Same points is not restricted

💡 Polygon must not have self intersections

💡 Use integer geometry for calculations

💡 More then 100 tests


To use iShape.Triangulation in your Unity project, follow these steps:


The TriangulationDebug project is a samll demo project with some showcases.