iSofTom / STDebugKit

Offer access to several debug tools within your app, such as CoreData browsing
MIT License
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Offer access to several debug tools within your app, such as CoreData browsing.


STDebugKit Allow you to debug your app, even from a device ! From every screen you'll have access to a little debug button that could open a debug center. In that center you'll find two kind of debug tools:


All you have to do, is configure the debug kit by adding one instruction right before the return of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Don't forget to import STDebugKit.h for that, I recommend you to import it in your prefix.pch file.


That's all Folks, you're ready to debug your app !

Adding Context Tools

Context tools are reachable only when the viewController that is associated to is visible.

Here is how to add a context tool. In your viewWillAppear: method, add:

DebugKitAddAction(@"# Tool Name #", ^(id o){
        # Your action #

You can also add an entire ViewController as a debug tool:

DebugKitAddAction(@"# Tool Name #", MyViewController, ^(id o){
        # Your can configure your view controller here (via the block parameter) #

And in you viewWillDisappear: method, add:


More Configuration

In the prefix.pch file of the STDebugKit pod, you can do a lot of configurations.

You can enable or disable the modules you want to appear:

#define STDebugKitModuleSlowAnimationsEnabled
#define STDebugKitModuleInfosEnabled
//#define STDebugKitModuleKillEnabled
//The Kill module is now disabled

You can specify the modules order:

#define STDebugKitModuleCoreDataOrder           1
#define STDebugKitModuleSlowAnimationsOrder     2
#define STDebugKitModuleInfosOrder              3

You can choose the debug kit's button's size and colors:

#define STDebugKitButtonSize 30
#define STDebugKitButtonColor [UIColor colorWithRed:0.751 green:0.843 blue:0.900 alpha:1.000]
#define STDebugKitButtonBackgroundColor [UIColor whiteColor]


Core Data

Allow several actions on your database

Warning: This module use MagicalRecord.

Slow Animations

Allow to slow all the animations of your application in order to polish your UI.


Allow to display the informations from your project info.plist.


Allow to immediately kill the current app.

More Modules Coming ...


To include this component in your project, I recommend you to use Cocoapods:


Feel free to create and share your own tools. Just don't forget to add the below code in your class in order to automatically add your component in the debug kit.

#ifdef STDebugKitModule# Name #Enabled
+ (void)load
    STDebugTool* tool = [STDebugTool debugToolNamed:@"# Name #" viewControllerClass:[self class]];
#ifdef STDebugKitModule# Name #Order
    tool.order = STDebugKitModule# Name #Order;
    tool.order = 999;
    [STDebugKit addGlobalDebugTool:tool];