iTrace-Dev / iTrace-Eclipse

Eclipse plugin to identify textual and interface elements based on iTrace Core gaze data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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eclipse eye-tracking plugin

iTrace - Plugin for an Eye-Enabled IDE

iTrace is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. It interfaces with an eye tracker to determine the type of element one is looking at. In the case of source code, it will determine the location of eye gaze and map it to the source code element (method call, if statement, etc...). The data generated by iTrace has been used in program comprehension and software traceability. It has applications in code reading, code summarization as well as providing recommendations to developers based on eye movements.


How to Install Plugin from Eclipse

  1. Go to Help -> Install New Software
  2. Click "Add"
  3. Copy the following address to "Location:" and click "Add":
  4. Check the project and follow the rest of the installation process.

How to Build and Run from Source

  1. Install all requirements and resolve Ivy dependencies (secondary click project, then click Ivy -> Resolve, then refresh the project).
  2. Build and install plugin binaries or click "Run" from the Eclipse workspace and choose "Eclipse Application".
  3. Open the "iTrace" perspective. If it is not visible, click the "Open Perspective" icon next to the "Java" perspective icon (by default in the top right corner) and choose "iTrace" from the list.
  4. Open the iTrace controller view on the bottom panel.


To get eye tracking data, this plugin uses the iTrace-Core. You must have it before you can use the extension. It is available here:

  1. Before opening Eclipse, make sure to open iTrace-Core. Configure iTrace Core, then open Eclipse.
  2. Load up a project to run eye tracking on.
  3. You should see an iTrace window pane with controls. If you do not, click the "Open Perspective" icon enxt to the "Java" perspective icon (by default in the top right corner) and choose "iTrace" from the list.
  4. When you are ready, click on Connect to Core. After that, switch back to the iTrace Core app and then click Start Tracker. This way, the plugin can recieve from the core where to output the data.
  5. Now eye tracking data is being recorded. To stop it, press Disconnect. To enable a live reticle that shows where you are looking, enable Display Reticle.

Developer Guidelines

Style Guide for Developers

Try to use Java code conventions. Below is an example from Eclipse.

 * A sample source file for the code formatter preview

package mypackage;

import java.util.LinkedList;

public class MyIntStack {
    private final LinkedList fStack;

    public MyIntStack() {
        fStack = new LinkedList();

    public int pop() {
        return ((Integer) fStack.removeFirst()).intValue();

    public void push(int elem) {
        fStack.addFirst(new Integer(elem));

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return fStack.isEmpty();