iagora / fiddle

Product of boredom and OCaml curiosity. Fiddle is a hashcat like tool (with no GPU support), that is specialized on dealing with CPF numbers. CPF numbers are to Brazilians what Social Security numbers are to Americans.
MIT License
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🎻 fiddle

Fiddle logo

fiddle is a product of my boredom and a work in progress. I won't keep the README updated at the moment because I'm focusing on features, and since it's still in its infancy, the main branch is where development happens too. Currently, Fiddle is just a simple OCaml program to generate possible CPF numbers, calculate the correct check digits, and compute the hash of the CPF. It's like a Rainbow Table of CPFs. Not exactly useful.

${\color{red}IN}$ $${\color{red}CASE}$$ $${\color{red}IT'S}$$ $${\color{red}NOT}$$ $${\color{red}CLEAR.}$$ $${\color{red}THIS}$$ $${\color{red}IS}$$ $${\color{red}A}$$ $${\color{red}MEME}$$ $${\color{red}REPO.}$$

${\color{red}DO}$ $${\color{red}NOT}$$ $${\color{red}USE}$$ $${\color{red}A}$$ $${\color{red}HASH}$$ $${\color{red}TO}$$ $${\color{red}"PROTECT"}$$ $${\color{red}SOCIAL}$$ $${\color{red}SECURITY}$$ $${\color{red}NUMBERS}$$ $${\color{red}OR}$$ $${\color{red}CPFs!}$$

💻 Prerequisites

Before starting, make sure you have met the following requirements:

🚀 Compiling fiddle

To compile fiddle, follow these steps:

$ dune build

I still need to write the installation functionality, generate a release, and so on.

🎻 Using fiddle


To use fiddle, follow these steps:


$ echo 123456789 | fiddle

The result should be:

123456789-09  65ffb63cf915bb8919d61837aa335bb39f4e07065e772b326bfb8de79d60745e

fiddle can process more than one CPF.

$ echo "123456789\n987654321" | fiddle


$ echo "123456789 987654321" | tr " " "\n" | fiddle

The important thing is each value should be separated by a newline. Which means you can run:

$ seq 10000 | fiddle

You can list the available hash and mac algorithms via:

$ fiddle --list

And select the desired one with -h or --hash.

$ echo 123456789 | fiddle -h sha512

Some algorithms require specifying the output length:

$ echo 123456789 | fiddle --hash blake2b --length 64

To use a keyed hash or mac, the FIDDLE_SECRET_KEY environment variable must contain a base64 secret key. An algorithm must be selected with the -m or --mac flag:

$ export FIDDLE_SECRET_KEY="DmPBlJkhjvN0HxCKK9HrsiFLzIotZG9MT727xddLIzw="
$ echo 123456789 | fiddle --mac sha256

As a joke treat, there's also a reverse search, which can be triggered via the -u flag, short for --ughh, or --unhash, your choice because 🎉🗳️DEMOCRACY🗳️🎉:

$ fiddle -h md5 -u 823e99bf5f87df225fe8ce4c46340b73

Which will result in: 000000003-53.

There is also some limited parallelism:

$ seq 200 | fiddle -n 4

This will spawn 4 child processes, that will receive tasks in a round robin fashion from stdin. Of course mascaml can also be used to pipe input in, more about masks below. However, it seems that 3x speed up is the max I can provide at the moment, that is achieved with n = 4, after that there is some bottleneck. However, when used in the reverse search -u, the speed up is directly proportional to the number of processes, but I limited the n you can set to the number of processors the CPU has. Careful though, the whole table of CPFs is upwards of 140GB, and it generates it fast. Which is why I'll be adding support to DBs at some point.


fiddle also comes with mascaml, and supports masks. mascaml is a maskprocessor, that works similar to hashcat's. Say for example, that whoever decide to make a database indexing by CPF hashes, decided to avoid pre-computed hashtables by adding other things to the string, or say permute the order of the digits. mascaml can generate all the combinations of CPFs with a mask like

$ mascaml ")(?d?d?dun?d?d?dhash?d?d?d-xy"

This would generate all values from )(000un000hash000-xy until )(999un999hash999-xy. fiddle can take these inputs, through its own mask support:

$ fiddle --mask ")(987un654hash321-xy"

It recognizes x and y as the placement for the check digits, respectively. And takes the numbered digits as the ordering. So, say that mascaml generates the input value )(001un671hash540-xy, fiddle knows that there is a permutation where this actually corresponds to the CPF 045176100 and that x and y are supposed to be the check digits, which it calculates and places appropriately before calculating the hash. So it'd take the hash of )(001un671hash540-63, as 63 are the check digits for 045176100. So you could generate a table for all these mangled CPFs with a command like:

$ mascaml ")(?d?d?dun?d?d?dhash?d?d?d-xy" | fiddle --mask ")(987un654hash321-xy"

Which would generate the following output:

000000000-00    )(000un000hash000-00    ed6f912a42fa32b108dcaf8aca0e9b1c349e3494f162c3937c179e495fdbc98b
100000000-19    )(000un000hash001-19    69937cc5287b4dc33259cec10a525dfb88d959022495badea1739d35dc099ba5
200000000-27    )(000un000hash002-27    1de87d04d043f7919b7d4f4101282269406632a0400978e7c876991c82a89091
300000000-35    )(000un000hash003-35    2b2e5fc782383e1e122df23a44189804d9fbc5ac7cb1d6a80121504414f89194
400000000-43    )(000un000hash004-43    9ec6093c1d6b6dc00edbb4096035c6a0f7d052b7e3cafbb9c47697946ccc898e
500000000-51    )(000un000hash005-51    b41d1e0b082d1ee9298c2e9030611904cbf5bf33284ea32c14f9ca5791d6c47c
600000000-60    )(000un000hash006-60    bd43a887d71b7144844ad91174a26398b09644efce3714f6760deb4fec6994ff
700000000-78    )(000un000hash007-78    e40b5dd2f20484b472c0c1a5d108a415e7443188765180e902f221350ac0c8ed
800000000-86    )(000un000hash008-86    3aab0d646b2160bf5b95bc2b0a5e22972089c708fe3f9f56108a0f64b3b82b54
900000000-94    )(000un000hash009-94    1b5a69678cd29073c44c3dda1616aeffd7be17347af355ffe6cbf896b61f08b1
.               .                       .
.               .                       .
.               .                       .

In case the input instead of having x and y, has the check digits, fiddle will consider the values provided over the calculated ones, but will output a * to indicate an error in case the check digits presented do not match the calculated ones.

Say, fiddle --mask ")(987un654hash321-xy" takes instead of )(001un671hash540-xy or )(001un671hash540-63 (which has the correct check digits), it receives )(001un671hash540-91, instead of outputting:

045176100-63    )(001un671hash540-63    36ec01cc8c1df9f2b99c1f6b896eab611180d0ffc7cdda2009441f4aab2a6b44

It will output:

045176100-63*   )(001un671hash540-91*   5166741dd0b1b797e2bba6f27b2a1436c5e13fef5f225ea7666743f08d321a0e

📝 License

This project is licensed. See the LICENSE file for more details.