iain / http_accept_language

Ruby on Rails plugin. Fishes out the Accept-Language header into an array.
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A gem which helps you detect the users preferred language, as sent by the "Accept-Language" HTTP header.

The algorithm is based on RFC 2616, with one exception: when a user requests "en-US" and "en" is an available language, "en" is deemed compatible with "en-US". The RFC specifies that the requested language must either exactly match the available language or must exactly match a prefix of the available language. This means that when the user requests "en" and "en-US" is available, "en-US" would be compatible, but not the other way around. This is usually not what you're looking for.

Since version 2.0, this gem is Rack middleware.


The http_accept_language method is available in any controller:

class SomeController < ApplicationController
  def some_action
    http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages # => %w(nl-NL nl-BE nl en-US en)
    available = %w(en en-US nl-BE)
    http_accept_language.preferred_language_from(available) # => 'nl-BE'

    http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages # => %w(en-GB)
    available = %w(en-US)
    http_accept_language.compatible_language_from(available) # => 'en-US'

    http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages # => %w(nl-NL nl-BE nl en-US en)
    available = %w(en nl de) # This could be from I18n.available_locales
    http_accept_language.preferred_language_from(available) # => 'nl'

You can easily set the locale used for i18n in a before-filter:

class SomeController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :set_locale

    def set_locale
      I18n.locale = http_accept_language.compatible_language_from(I18n.available_locales)

If you want to enable this behavior by default in your controllers, you can just include the provided concern:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include HttpAcceptLanguage::AutoLocale


Then set available locales in config/application.rb:

config.i18n.available_locales = %w(en nl de fr)

To use the middleware in any Rack application, simply add the middleware:

require 'http_accept_language'
use HttpAcceptLanguage::Middleware
run YourAwesomeApp

Then you can access it from env:

class YourAwesomeApp

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    available = %w(en en-US nl-BE)
    language = env.http_accept_language.preferred_language_from(available)

    [200, {}, ["Oh, you speak #{language}!"]]


Available methods


Without Bundler

Install the gem http_accept_language

With Bundler

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'http_accept_language'

Run bundle install to install it.

Released under the MIT license