iainbeeston / nickel

Nickel extracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text.
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Nickel extracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text.


If you use bundler add gem "nickel" to your gemfile, or if not run gem install nickel from the command line.


A single occurrence

n = Nickel.parse "use the force on july 1st at 9am"
n.message                       #=> "use the force"
n.occurrences.first.start_date  #=> "20110701"

A daily occurrence

n = Nickel.parse "wake up everyday at 11am"
n.message                       # => wake up
n.occurrences[0].type           # => daily
n.occurrences[0].start_time     # => 11:00:00

A weekly occurrence

n = Nickel.parse "guitar lessons every tuesday at 5pm"
n.message                       # => guitar lessons
n.occurrences[0].type           # => weekly
n.occurrences[0].day_of_week    # => 1
n.occurrences[0].interval       # => 1
n.occurrences[0].start_time     # => 17:00:00

A day monthly occurrence

n = Nickel.parse "drink specials on the second thursday of every month"
n.message                       # => drink specials
n.occurrences[0].type           # => daymonthly
n.occurrences[0].day_of_week    # => 4
n.occurrences[0].week_of_month  # => 2
n.occurrences[0].interval       # => 1

A date monthly occurrence

n = Nickel.parse "pay credit card every month on the 22nd"
n.message                       # => pay credit card
n.occurrences[0].type           # => datemonthly
n.occurrences[0].date_of_month  # => 22
n.occurrences[0].interval       # => 1

Multiple occurrences

n = Nickel.parse "band meeting every monday and wednesday at 2pm"
n.message                       # => band meeting
n.occurrences[0].type           # => weekly
n.occurrences[0].day_of_week    # => 0
n.occurrences[0].start_time     # => 14:00:00
n.occurrences[1].type           # => weekly
n.occurrences[1].day_of_week    # => 2
n.occurrences[1].start_time     # => 14:00:00

Occurrences without any message

n = Nickel.parse "a week from tomorrow"
n.occurrences[0].start_date     # => 20140320

Setting current time

n = Nickel.parse "lunch 3 days from now", DateTime.new(2010,3,31)
n.message                       # => lunch
n.occurrences[0].start_date     # => 20100403

Extracting ruby date and time objects

n = Nickel.parse "dinner with friends at 8:00pm tonight"
n.message                               # => dinner with friends
n.occurrences[0].start_date.to_date     # => 2014-02-23
n.occurrences[0].start_time.to_time     # => 2014-02-23 20:00:00 +0000


Nickel was originally developed by Lou Zell, but is now maintained by Iain Beeston.

Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Lou Zell, lzell11@gmail.com, http://hazelmade.com