iaintshine / presta_shop

A library for Ruby to interact with the PrestaShop's Web Service API
MIT License
8 stars 11 forks source link


The Presta Shop API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically interact with Presta Shop's Web Service API.

The API is implemented as XML over HTTP using five verbs: HEAD/GET/POST/PUT/DELETE


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'presta_shop', :git => 'https://github.com/iaintshine/presta_shop.git'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install presta_shop


  1. Using your admin panel generate an authentication key.

  2. Assign rights for each resource that you want to make available for this key.

  3. Initialize the library

    PrestaShop.configure do |c|
        c.api_url = "http://your/presta/shop"
        c.api_key = "YOURAPIKEY"
  4. Make a request and use a reponse

    shop = PrestaShop.get(:resource => :shops, :id => 1)
    puts shop[:name]

    You can use a new high-level ActiveRecord-like ORM style as well

    shop = PrestaShop::Shop.find(1)
    puts shop.name

    ActiveRecord-like methods

    These are the basic ActiveRecord-like methods you can use with your models:

    # Check if resource exists using an id
    PrestaShop::Shop.exists? id
    # Fetch a resource using an id
    PrestaShop::Shop.find id
    # Fetch a collection of resources
    # Create a new resource
    PrestaShop::Shop.create name: "new shop", id_category: 2 ...
    # Save a new resource
    shop = PrestaShop::Shop.new name: "new shop", ...
    # Update an existing resource
    shop = PrestaShop::Shop.find id
    shop.name = "changed name"
    # Destroy a resource without fetching it using an id
    PrestaShop::Shop.destroy id
    # Destroy a fetched resource
    shop = PrestaShop::Shop.find id

    Low-level api access

    # Check if resource exists using an id
    PrestaShop.head resource: :shops, id: id
    # Fetch a resource using an id
    PrestaShop.get resource: :shops, id: id
    # Fetch a collection of resources
    PrestaShop::get resource: :shops
    # Create a new resource
    shop = { name: "new shop", id_category: 2 ... }
    PrestaShop.create resource: :shops, 
                      payload: shop 
    # Update an existing resource
    PrestaShop.update resource: :shops, id: shop[:id], payload: :shop
    # Destroy a resource using an id
    PrestaShop.delete resource: :shops, id: id

Supported resources

For a list of supported resources, see file presta_shop/resources.rb or presta_shop/models/ subdirectory.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request