iainurquhart / DraftEE

Drafts and Workflow for ExpressionEngine 2
6 stars 2 forks source link


Module/Fieldtype combo for creating/publishing drafts of Channel Entries.

Just a module I'm experimenting with, very much proof of concept stuff that's nowhere near production use.


The fieldtype outputs a 'create draft' button on the publish page. When you hit 'creat draft' - the fieldtype does an ajax call to the module to essentially duplicate the entry and give it a status of Draft. The publisher can then switch to the Draft entry, and do edits there.

The entry can then be edited/saved safely away from the live entry (it's now another entry) but come time to publish/merge, the publisher can easily overwrite the originating entry with the updated content.

The field will also output a list of any drafts that exist for a given entry, allowing the author/admin to jump to drafts and then review/commit them to the entry.

All's well in theory, will be interesting when user permissions are thrown in the mix, and custom fieldtypes that store their data outside of exp_channel_data...

Will cross that bridge if I ever get there...


Caveats: I don't have an indepth understanding of EE. Just started hacking workflow for 2 days due to an urgent request.