Updated to work with Keras 2.0 and TF 1.2 and Spacy 2.0 This code is meant for education thus focus is on simplicity and not speed.
This is a simple Demo of Visual Question answering which uses pretrained models (see models/CNN and models/VQA) to answer a given question about the given image.
Keras version 2.0+
Tensorflow 1.2+ (Might also work with Theano. I have not tested Theano after the recent commit, use commit 0f89007 for Theano)
Spacy version 2.0+
VGG 16 Pretrained Weights
python demo.py -image_file_name
-question "Question to be asked"
python demo.py -image_file_name test.jpg -question "Is there a man in the picture?"
if you have prefer to use Theano backend and if you have GPU you may want to run like this
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=gpu0,lib.cnmem=1,mode=FAST_RUN' python demo.py -image_file_name test.jpg -question "What vechile is in the picture?"
Expected Output : 095.2 % train 00.67 % subway 00.54 % mcdonald's 00.38 % bus 00.33 % train station
Jupyter/iPython Notebook has been provided with more examples and interactive tutorial. https://github.com/iamaaditya/VQA_Demo/blob/master/Visual_Question_Answering_Demo_in_python_notebook.ipynb
NOTE: See the comments on demo.py for more information on the model and methods