iamcco / clock.nvim

A Big Clock For Neovim
33 stars 1 forks source link

A Big Clock For Neovim

only support neovim with floating window feature



use vim-plug:

Plug 'iamcco/sran.nvim', { 'do': { -> sran#util#install() } }
Plug 'iamcco/clock.nvim'

Usage & Config

" auto enable when neovim start
let g:clockn_enable = 1

" config the clock's color
let g:clockn_color = '#000000'

" config opacity of floating window background
" 0-100 from fully opaque to transparent
" default is 100
let g:clockn_winblend = 100

" or use the ClockNormal highlight group
highlight ClockNormal guifg=#000000

" position distance to top and right
let g:clockn_to_top = 1
let g:clockn_to_right = 1

" enable clock

" disable clock

Buy Me A Coffee ☕️

