This is a simple script that will open the last 20 links from the @Dumpmon ( - shoutout to @jw_sec for creating this bot!) twitter account, dig through the info, and send an email alert to you based on a keyword you define.
You'll need to create a new Twitter app at in order to get the keys and tokens necessary to scrape the info.
Update the variables in the config.cfg file with the tokens for twitter and your search details. Multiple searches can be defined in the search_string parameter by delimiting with a comma (,) e.g. 'cat,dog,test,bob'. This delimiter can also be changed within the config file
NOTE: There is an ".exampleconfig.cfg" file for you - remove the "example" from the filename before executing (but leave the '.')
./ check This will check that you have the correct dependencies installed ./
Simple enough :) I have it cron'd, but it can be run adhoc as well