iampeke / CodePathAndroidBootcampW3

Simple Twitter Client
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Simple Twitter Client

This is an Android application for the Simple Twitter Client using the Twitter API, the android-async-http library and the RestClientTemplate.

Time spent:

Completed user stories in base project (SimpleTwitterClient):

Walkthrough of base user story (SimpleTwitterClient):

Video Walkthrough

Modifications to base user stories (SimpleTwitterClientPopUpAndCounter):

Walkthrough of new features added to base user story (SimpleTwitterClientPopUpAndCounter):

Video Walkthrough

Addition of Pull to Refresh to modifications to base user stories (SimpleTwitterClientPullToRefresh): Added Pull to Refresh feature using the third party library: chrisbanes/ActionBar-PullToRefresh

Walkthrough of new pull to refresh feature (SimpleTwitterClientPullToRefresh):

Video Walkthrough

GIFs created with LiceCap.