iamromulan / quectel-rgmii-toolkit

Quectel module RGMII toolkit
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Bind simpleadmin and ttyd only to the address #26

Closed snowzach closed 2 months ago

snowzach commented 2 months ago

I am not sure if this is the best way or not. I think it's the most secure and won't likely required iptables rules I don't think.

snowzach commented 2 months ago

If you don't like this, the other option is to just bind to for httpd. It looks like ttyd doesn't bind to IPv6 by default. I see where a couple other services only bind to

iamromulan commented 2 months ago

Please make PR's to the development branch 😁

Also, binding to IPv4 only ( is probably the best course of action to solve this.