iamromulan / quectel-rgmii-toolkit

Quectel module RGMII toolkit
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RGMII Toolkit

Software deployment Toolkit for Quectel RM5xxx series 5G modems utilizing an m.2 to RJ45 adapter (RGMII)

Current Branch: Main

Please Fork and PR with/to Development instead of main, it has the latest changes and is meant to be commits ahead of main for testing. :)

"Don't push to production 😂"

Fork development, and PR development to development :)


Currently: This will allow you to install or if already installed, update, remove, or modify:

My goal is for this to also include any new useful scripts or software for this modem and others that support RGMII mode.


Toolkit Home Page AT Commands

AT Commands TTL


How to Use

To run the Toolkit:

Or, if you want to stay in the modems shell when you are done

adb shell

Then run

cd /tmp && wget -O RMxxx_rgmii_toolkit.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iamromulan/quectel-rgmii-toolkit/main/RMxxx_rgmii_toolkit.sh && chmod +x RMxxx_rgmii_toolkit.sh && ./RMxxx_rgmii_toolkit.sh && cd /

You should see:


Tailscale Installation and Config

:warning: Your modem must already be connected to the internet for this to install


Open up the toolkit main menu and press 4 to enter the Tailscale menu


Press 1, wait for it to install. This is a very large file for the system so give it some time.

Once done and it says Tailscale installed successfully press 2/enter to configure it.


If you want to, enable the Tailscale Web UI on port 8088 for configuration from the browser later by pressing 1/enter.

To do it in the toolkit: First time connecting you'll be given a link to login with

That's it! From another device running tailscale you should be able to access your modem through the IP assigned to it by your tailnet. To access SSH from another device on the tailnet, open a terminal/command prompt and type

tailscale ssh root@(IP or Hostname)

IP or Hostname being the IP or hostname assigned to it in your tailnet

TTYd installation


GitHub Users/Individuals:

Thank You to:

Nate Carlson for the Original Telnet Deamon/socat bridge usage and the Original RGMII Notes

aesthernr for creating the Original Simple Admin

rbflurry for inital Simple Admin fixes

dr-dolomite for some major stat page improvements and this repos first approved external PR!

Existing projects:

Simpleadmin heavily uses the AT Command Parsing Scripts (Basically a copy with new changes and tweaks) of Dairyman's Rooter Source https://github.com/ofmodemsandmen/ROOterSource2203

Tailscale was obtained through Tailscale's static build page. Since these modems have a 32-bit ARM processor on-board I used the arm package. https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/#static

Entware/opkg was obtained through Entware's wiki and the installer heavily modified by iamromulan for use with Quectel modems

TTYd was obtained from the TTYd Project