iamromulan / quectel-rgmii-toolkit

Quectel module RGMII toolkit
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Not everything needs sudo in set_ttl #33

Closed snowzach closed 2 months ago

iamromulan commented 2 months ago

@snowzach These were attempts at trying to get set_ttl to work again. It seemed like it was related to permissions at first, however it seems it doesn't make a difference. The ttldata ends up being received by the cgi script as empty.

This is pretty much the last bug that needs fixing. I wanted to finish up work on simple updates as well. I plan to push to main after.

snowzach commented 2 months ago

I can rework it to use tee but I gotta figure out what's going on with my modem. I keep getting random disconnects. Works fine for a good while and then will just stop forwarding most traffic. I can still curl icanhazip.com but as soon as anything more complex happens it doesn't work. Seems like I can ssh to the modem and it works fine from there also. So strange. I wonder if this firmware is flaky.. Maybe I should just get a RM520 instead. (I have an RM521) I never use 3CA

iamromulan commented 2 months ago

I can rework it to use tee but I gotta figure out what's going on with my modem. I keep getting random disconnects. Works fine for a good while and then will just stop forwarding most traffic. I can still curl icanhazip.com but as soon as anything more complex happens it doesn't work. Seems like I can ssh to the modem and it works fine from there also. So strange. I wonder if this firmware is flaky.. Maybe I should just get a RM520 instead. (I have an RM521) I never use 3CA

What provider? What rj45 board? Does the Qualcomm/Quectel Linux maintain connectivity? (Ex: can you access it through tailscale still?)

I know T-Mobile is kinda weirdly dependent on IPv6.

snowzach commented 2 months ago

I can rework it to use tee but I gotta figure out what's going on with my modem. I keep getting random disconnects. Works fine for a good while and then will just stop forwarding most traffic. I can still curl icanhazip.com but as soon as anything more complex happens it doesn't work. Seems like I can ssh to the modem and it works fine from there also. So strange. I wonder if this firmware is flaky.. Maybe I should just get a RM520 instead. (I have an RM521) I never use 3CA

What provider? What rj45 board? Does the Qualcomm/Quectel Linux maintain connectivity? (Ex: can you access it through tailscale still?)

I know T-Mobile is kinda weirdly dependent on IPv6.

T-Mobile with this board: https://www.waveshare.com/5g-m.2-to-gigabit-eth.htm?sku=25829 I have never used tailscale, I just connect to (which still works even though the IP asssigned by DHCP is in passthrough mode)

I can SSH to the board, I can wget anything I want from the board and it seems to work fine. I just can't connect through the ethernet port to the internet. (I can connect fine to simpleadmin/ssh/ttyd etc)

I don't accept IPv6 addresses from my router that it's plugged in to. I just use IPv4, I get that address and everything is routed to

What's weird is some things work fine.. I can ping I can curl small web pages.. Seems like anything with large amount of data doesn't work at all.