iamstarkov / common-bem

BEM class name generator which use common scheme. Elements are delimited with two (2) underscores (__), and Modifiers are delimited by two (2) hyphens (--).
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BEM class name generator which use common scheme. Elements are delimited with two (2) underscores (__), and Modifiers are delimited by two (2) hyphens (--).


npm install --save common-bem


By common scheme I mean scheme with double underscores and hyphens proposed by Harry Roberts in his article "MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax". You can read more about BEM on getbem.com.

import commonBem from 'common-bem';

const bem = commonBem.lock('grid');
bem();      // grid
bem('row'); // grid__row
bem('col'); // grid__col
bem({ fixed: true });       // grid grid--fixed
bem('col', { size: 'md' }); // grid__col grid__col--size-md


Basically, this package is b_ with predefined options for this scheme.


MIT © Vladimir Starkov