ian-kent / MangoX-Queue

Queue implementation using Mango
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package MangoX::Queue;

use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter';

use Carp 'croak'; use Mojo::Log; use Mango::BSON ':bson'; use MangoX::Queue::Delay; use MangoX::Queue::Job;

our $VERSION = '0.16';

A logger

has 'log' => sub { Mojo::Log->new->level('error') };

The Mango::Collection representing the queue

has 'collection'; has 'capped' => sub { $[0]->stats->{capped} }; has 'stats' => sub { $[0]->collection->stats };

A MangoX::Queue::Delay

has 'delay' => sub { MangoX::Queue::Delay->new };

How long to wait before assuming a job has failed

has 'timeout' => sub { $ENV{MANGOX_QUEUE_JOB_TIMEOUT} // 60 };

How many times to retry a job before giving up

has 'retries' => sub { $ENV{MANGOX_QUEUE_JOB_RETRIES} // 5 };

Prevent binary object IDs escaping MangoX::Queue

has 'no_binary_oid' => sub { $ENV{MANGOX_QUEUE_NO_BINARY_OID} // 0 };

Current number of jobs that have been consumed but not yet completed

has 'job_count' => 0;

Maximum number of jobs allowed to be in a consumed state at any one time

has 'concurrent_job_limit' => 10;

Store Mojo::IOLoop->timer IDs

has 'consumers' => sub { {} };

Store plugins

has 'plugins' => sub { {} };

Compatibility with Mojo::IOLoop->delay

has 'delay_compat' => sub { warn "delay_compat will be enabled by default in a future release - please migrate your code"; 0 };

sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);

croak qq{No Mango::Collection provided to constructor} unless ref($self->collection) eq 'Mango::Collection';

return $self;


sub plugin { my ($self, $name, $options) = @_;

croak qq{Plugin $name already loaded} if exists $self->plugins->{$name};

    no strict 'refs';
    unless($name->can('new')) {
        eval "require $name" or croak qq{Failed to load plugin $name: $@};

eval {
    $self->plugins->{$name} = $name->new(%$options);
    return 1;
} or croak qq{Error calling constructor for plugin $name: $@};

eval {
    return 1;
} or croak qq{Error calling register for plugin $name: $@};

return $self->plugins->{$name};


sub initstatus { my ($self) = @;

Done as late as possible - $self->capped opens a DB connection

$self->pending_status($self->capped ? 1 : 'Pending');
$self->processing_status($self->capped ? 2 : 'Processing');
$self->failed_status($self->capped ? 3 : 'Failed');
return {
    pending_and_processing_status => $self->{pending_and_processing_status},
    _pending_status => $self->{_pending_status},
    _processing_status => $self->{_processing_status},
    _failed_status => $self->{_failed_status},


sub pending_status { my ($self, $newstatus) = @;

return $self->{_pending_status} unless defined $new_status;

$self->{_pending_status} = $new_status;


sub processing_status { my ($self, $newstatus) = @;

return $self->{_processing_status} unless defined $new_status;

$self->{_processing_status} = $new_status;


sub failed_status { my ($self, $newstatus) = @;

return $self->{_failed_status} unless defined $new_status;
$self->{_failed_status} = $new_status;


sub _combine_pending_and_processingstatus { my ($self) = @;

$self->{pending_and_processing_status} = [
    ref($self->{_pending_status}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$self->{_pending_status}} : $self->{_pending_status},


sub getoptions { my ($self) = @;

return {
    query => {
        status => {
            '$in' => $self->{pending_and_processing_status} // $self->init_status->{pending_and_processing_status},
        processing => {
            '$lt' => time - $self->timeout,
        attempt => {
            '$lte' => $self->retries + 1,
        delay_until => {
            '$lt' => time,
    sort => bson_doc( # Sort by priority, then in order of creation
        'priority' => 1,
        'created' => -1,
    update => {
        '$set' => {
            processing => time,
            status => $self->{_processing_status} // $self->init_status->{_processing_status},
        '$inc' => {
            attempt => 1,


sub run_callback { my ($self, $callback) = (shift, shift);

if ($self->delay_compat) {
    $callback->($self, @_);
} else {


sub enqueue { my ($self, @args) = @_;

# args maybe
# - 'job_name'
# - foo => bar, 'job_name'
# - 'job_name', $callback
# - foo => bar, 'job_name', $callback

my $callback = ref($args[-1]) eq 'CODE' ? pop @args : undef;
my $job = pop @args;
my %args;
%args = (@args) if scalar @args;

my $db_job = {
    priority => $args{priority} // 1,
    created => $args{created} // bson_time,
    data => $job,
    status => $args{status} // $self->{_pending_status} // $self->init_status->{_pending_status},
    attempt => 1,
    processing => 0,
    delay_until => 0,

$db_job->{delay_until} = $args{delay_until} if $args{delay_until};

if($callback) {
    return $self->collection->insert($db_job => sub {
        my ($collection, $error, $oid) = @_;
        if($error) {
            $self->emit_safe(error => qq{Error inserting job into collection: $error}, $db_job, $error);
            $self->run_callback($callback, $db_job, $error);
        $db_job->{_id} = $oid;
        $self->emit_safe(enqueued => $db_job) if $self->has_subscribers('enqueued');
        eval {
            $self->run_callback($callback, $db_job, undef);
            return 1;
        } or $self->emit_safe(error => qq{Error in callback: $@}, $db_job, $@);
} else {
    eval {
        $db_job->{_id} = $self->collection->insert($db_job);
        return 1;
    } or croak qq{Error inserting job into collection: $@};
    $self->emit_safe(enqueued => $db_job) if $self->has_subscribers('enqueued');
    return $db_job;


sub watch { my ($self, $id_orjob, $status, $callback) = @;

my $id = ref($id_or_job) ? $id_or_job->{_id} : $id_or_job;

$status //= 'Complete';

# args
# - watch $queue $id, 'Status' => $callback

if($callback) {
    # Non-blocking
    $self->log->debug("Waiting for $id on status $status in non-blocking mode");
    return Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0 => sub { $self->_watch_nonblocking($id, $status, $callback) });
} else {
    # Blocking
    $self->log->debug("Waiting for $id on status $status in blocking mode");
    return $self->_watch_blocking($id, $status);


sub _watchblocking { my ($self, $id, $status) = @;

while(1) {
    my $doc = $self->collection->find_one({'_id' => $id});
    $self->log->debug("Job found by Mango: " . ($doc ? 'Yes' : 'No'));

    if($doc && ((!ref($status) && $doc->{status} eq $status) || (ref($status) eq 'ARRAY' && grep { $_ =~ $doc->{status} } @$status))) {
        return 1;
    } else {


sub _watchnonblocking { my ($self, $id, $status, $callback) = @;

$self->collection->find_one({'_id' => $id} => sub {
    my ($cursor, $err, $doc) = @_;
    $self->log->debug("Job found by Mango: " . ($doc ? 'Yes' : 'No'));

    if($doc && ((!ref($status) && $doc->{status} eq $status) || (ref($status) eq 'ARRAY' && grep { $_ =~ $doc->{status} } @$status))) {
        $self->log->debug("Status is $status");
        $self->run_callback($callback, $doc, undef);
    } else {
        $self->log->debug("Job not found or status doesn't match");
        $self->delay->wait(sub {
            return unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
            Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0 => sub { $self->_watch_nonblocking($id, $status, $callback) });
        return undef;


sub requeue { my ($self, $job, $callback) = @_;

my $pending = $self->{_pending_status} // $self->init_status->{_pending_status};
$job->{status} = ref($pending) eq 'ARRAY' ? $pending->[0] : $pending;
return $self->update($job, $callback);


sub dequeue { my ($self, $id_orjob, $callback) = @;

# TODO option to not remove on dequeue?

my $id = ref($id_or_job) ? $id_or_job->{_id} : $id_or_job;

if($callback) {
    $self->collection->remove({'_id' => $id} => sub {
        my ($collection, $error, $doc) = @_;

        if($error) {
            $self->emit_safe(error => qq(Error removing job from collection: $error), $id_or_job, $error) if $self->has_subscribers('error');
            $self->run_callback($callback, $id_or_job, $error);

        $self->run_callback($callback, $id_or_job, undef);
        $self->emit_safe(dequeued => $id_or_job) if $self->has_subscribers('dequeued');
} else {
    $self->collection->remove({'_id' => $id});
    $self->emit_safe(dequeued => $id_or_job) if $self->has_subscribers('dequeued');


sub get { my ($self, $id_orjob, $callback) = @;

my $id = ref($id_or_job) ? $id_or_job->{_id} : $id_or_job;

if($callback) {
    return $self->collection->find_one({'_id' => $id} => sub {
        my ($collection, $error, $doc) = @_;

        if($error) {
            $self->emit_safe(error => qq(Error retrieving job: $error), $id_or_job, $error) if $self->has_subscribers('error');

        $self->run_callback($callback, $doc, $error);
} else {
    return $self->collection->find_one({'_id' => $id});


sub update { my ($self, $job, $callback) = @_;

# FIXME Temporary fix to remove has_finished indicator from MangoX::Queue::Job
$job = { map { $_ => $job->{$_} } grep { $_ !~ /^(?:has_finished|events)$/ } keys %$job };
$job->{_id} = Mango::BSON::ObjectID->new($job->{_id}) if $self->no_binary_oid;

if($callback) {
    return $self->collection->update({'_id' => $job->{_id}}, $job => sub {
        my ($collection, $error, $doc) = @_;
        if($error) {
            $self->emit_safe(error => qq(Error updating job: $error), $job, $error) if $self->has_subscribers('error');
        $self->run_callback($callback, $doc, $error);
} else {
    return $self->collection->update({'_id' => $job->{_id}}, $job, {upsert => 1}) or croak qq{Error updating collection: $@};


sub fetch { my ($self, @args) = @_;

# fetch $queue status => 'Complete', sub { my $job = shift; }

my $callback = ref($args[-1]) eq 'CODE' ? pop @args : undef;
my %args;
%args = (@args) if scalar @args;

$self->log->debug("In fetch");

if($callback) {
    $self->log->debug("Fetching in non-blocking mode");
    my $consumer_id = (scalar keys %{$self->consumers}) + 1;
    $self->consumers->{$consumer_id} = Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0 => sub { $self->_consume_nonblocking(\%args, $consumer_id, $callback, 1) });
    return $consumer_id;
} else {
    $self->log->debug("Fetching in blocking mode");
    return $self->_consume_blocking(\%args, 1);


sub consume { my ($self, @args) = @_;

# consume $queue status => 'Failed', sub { my $job = shift; }

my $callback = ref($args[-1]) eq 'CODE' ? pop @args : undef;
my %args;
%args = (@args) if scalar @args;

$self->log->debug("In consume");

if($callback) {
    $self->log->debug("consuming in non-blocking mode");
    my $consumer_id = (scalar keys %{$self->consumers}) + 1;
    $self->consumers->{$consumer_id} = Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0 => sub { $self->_consume_nonblocking(\%args, $consumer_id, $callback, 0) });
    $self->log->debug("Timer scheduled, consumer_id $consumer_id has timer ID: " . $self->consumers->{$consumer_id});
    return $consumer_id;
} else {
    $self->log->debug("consuming in blocking mode");
    return $self->_consume_blocking(\%args, 0);


sub release { my ($self, $consumerid) = @;

$self->log->debug("Releasing consumer $consumer_id with timer ID: " . $self->consumers->{$consumer_id});

delete $self->consumers->{$consumer_id};

return 1;


sub _consumeblocking { my ($self, $args, $fetch) = @;

while(1) {
    my $opts = $self->get_options;
    $opts->{query} = $args if scalar keys %$args;

    my $doc = $self->collection->find_and_modify($opts);
    $self->log->debug("Job found by Mango: " . ($doc ? 'Yes' : 'No'));

    if($doc && $doc->{attempt} > $self->retries) {
        $doc->{status} = $self->{_failed_status} // $self->init_status->{_failed_status};
        $doc = undef;
        $self->log->debug("Job exceeded retries, status set to failed and job abandoned");

    if($doc) {
        $doc->{_id} = $doc->{_id}->to_string if $self->no_binary_oid;
        $self->emit_safe(consumed => $doc) if $self->has_subscribers('consumed');
        return $doc;
    } else {
        last if $fetch;


sub _consume_nonblocking { my ($self, $args, $consumerid, $callback, $fetch) = @;

$self->log->debug("Active jobs: " . $self->job_count . '/' . ($self->concurrent_job_limit < 0 ? '*' : $self->concurrent_job_limit));

# Don't allow consumption if job_count has been reached
if ($self->concurrent_job_limit > -1 && $self->job_count >= $self->concurrent_job_limit) {
    return unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
    return if $fetch;
    $self->emit_safe(concurrent_job_limit_reached => $self->concurrent_job_limit) if $self->has_subscribers('concurrent_job_limit_reached');
    $self->log->debug("concurrent_job_limit_reached = " . $self->concurrent_job_limit . ", job_count = " . $self->job_count);
    return unless exists $self->consumers->{$consumer_id};

    $self->delay->wait(sub {
        return unless exists $self->consumers->{$consumer_id};
        $self->_consume_nonblocking($args, $consumer_id, $callback, 0);

    $self->log->debug("Timer rescheduled (job_count limit reached), consumer_id $consumer_id has timer ID: " . $self->consumers->{$consumer_id});


my $opts = $self->get_options;
$opts->{query} = $args if scalar keys %$args;

$self->collection->find_and_modify($opts => sub {
    my ($cursor, $err, $doc) = @_;
    $self->log->debug("Job found by Mango: " . ($doc ? 'Yes' : 'No'));

    if($err) {
        $self->emit_safe(error => $err);

    if($doc && $doc->{attempt} > $self->retries) {
        $doc->{status} = $self->{_failed_status} // $self->init_status->{_failed_status};
        $doc = undef;
        $self->log->debug("Job exceeded retries, status set to failed and job abandoned");

    if($doc) {
        $doc->{_id} = $doc->{_id}->to_string if $self->no_binary_oid;

        $self->job_count($self->job_count + 1);
        $self->log->debug("job_count incremented to " . $self->job_count);

        my $job = MangoX::Queue::Job->new($doc);
        $job->once(finished => sub {
            $self->job_count($self->job_count - 1);
            $self->log->debug('job_count decremented to ' . $self->job_count);

        $self->emit_safe(consumed => $job) if $self->has_subscribers('consumed');

        eval {
            $self->run_callback($callback, $job);
            return 1;
        } or $self->emit_safe(error => "Error in callback: $@");
        return unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
        return if $fetch;
        return unless exists $self->consumers->{$consumer_id};
        Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0, sub {
            $self->_consume_nonblocking($args, $consumer_id, $callback, 0) }
        $self->log->debug("Timer rescheduled (recursive immediate), consumer_id $consumer_id has timer ID: " . $self->consumers->{$consumer_id});
    } else {
        return unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
        return if $fetch;
        $self->delay->wait(sub {
            return unless exists $self->consumers->{$consumer_id};
            $self->_consume_nonblocking($args, $consumer_id, $callback, 0);
        $self->log->debug("Timer rescheduled (recursive delayed), consumer_id $consumer_id has timer ID: " . $self->consumers->{$consumer_id});
        return undef;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

MangoX::Queue - A MongoDB queue implementation using Mango


L is a MongoDB backed queue implementation using L to support blocking and non-blocking queues.

L makes no attempt to handle the L connection, database or collection - pass in a collection to the constructor and L will use it. The collection can be plain, capped or sharded.

For an introduction to L, see L.

B - the current API is inconsistent with L and other L modules. A C option has been added, which is currently disabled by default. This will be enabled by default in a future release, and eventually deprecated.


=head2 Non-blocking

Non-blocking mode requires a running L.

my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $mango_collection);

# To add a job
enqueue $queue 'test' => sub { my $id = shift; };

# To set options
enqueue $queue priority => 1, created => bson_time, 'test' => sub { my $id = shift; };

# To watch for a specific job status
watch $queue $id, 'Complete' => sub {
    # Job status is 'Complete'

# To fetch a job
fetch $queue sub {
    my ($job) = @_;
    # ...

# To get a job by id
get $queue $id => sub { my $job = shift; };

# To requeue a job
requeue $queue $job => sub { my $id = shift; };

# To dequeue a job
dequeue $queue $id => sub { };

# To consume a queue
my $consumer = consume $queue sub {
    my ($job) = @_;
    # ...

# To stop consuming a queue
release $queue $consumer;

# To listen for errors
on $queue error => sub { my ($queue, $error) = @_; };

=head2 Blocking

my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $mango_collection);

# To add a job
my $id = enqueue $queue 'test';

# To set options
my $id = enqueue $queue priority => 1, created => bson_time, 'test';

# To watch for a specific job status
watch $queue $id;

# To fetch a job
my $job = fetch $queue;

# To get a job by id
my $job = get $queue $id;

# To requeue a job
my $id = requeue $queue $job;

# To dequeue a job
dequeue $queue $id;

# To consume a queue
while(my $job = consume $queue) {
    # ...

=head2 Other

my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $mango_collection);

# To listen for events
on $queue enqueued => sub ( my ($queue, $job) = @_; };
on $queue dequeued => sub ( my ($queue, $job) = @_; };
on $queue consumed => sub { my ($queue, $job) = @_; };

# To register a plugin
plugin $queue 'MangoX::Queue::Plugin::Statsd';


L implements the following attributes.

=head2 collection

my $collection = $queue->collection;

my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $collection);

The L representing the MongoDB queue collection.

=head2 delay

my $delay = $queue->delay;

The L responsible for dynamically controlling the delay between queue queries.

=head2 delay_compat

my $compat = $queue->delay_compat;

Enabling C passes C<$self> as the first argument to queue callbacks, to fix a compatibility bug with L.

This will be enabled by default in a future release. Please migrate your code to work with the new API, and enable C on construction:

my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(delay_compat => 1);

=head2 concurrent_job_limit

my $concurrent_job_limit = $queue->concurrent_job_limit;

The maximum number of concurrent jobs (jobs consumed from the queue and unfinished). Defaults to 10.

This only applies to jobs on the queue in non-blocking mode. L has an internal counter that is incremented when a job has been consumed from the queue (in non-blocking mode). The job returned is a L instance and has a descructor method that is called to decrement the internal counter. See L for more details.

Set to -1 to disable queue concurrency limits. B, this could result in out of memory errors or an extremely slow event loop.

If you need to decrement the job counter early (e.g. to hold on to a reference to the job after you've finished processing it), you can call the C method on the L object.


=head2 failed_status


Set a custom failed status.

=head2 no_binary_oid

$no_bin = $self->no_binary_oid;

Set to 1 to disable binary ObjectIDs being returned by MangoX::Queue in the Job object.

=head2 pending_status

$self->pending_status(['Pending', 'pending']);

Set a custom pending status, can be an array ref.

=head2 plugins

my $plugins = $queue->plugins;

Returns a hash containing the plugins registered with this queue.

=head2 processing_status


Set a custom processing status.

=head2 retries

my $retries = $queue->retries;

The number of times a job will be picked up from the queue before it is marked as failed.

=head2 timeout

my $timeout = $queue->timeout;

The time (in seconds) a job is allowed to stay in Retrieved state before it is released back into Pending state. Defaults to 60 seconds.

=head1 EVENTS

L inherits from L and emits the following events.

Events are emitted only for actions on the current queue object, not the entire queue.

=head2 consumed

on $queue consumed => sub {
    my ($queue, $job) = @_;
    # ...

Emitted when an item is consumed (either via consume or fetch)

=head2 dequeued

on $queue dequeued => sub {
    my ($queue, $job) = @_;
    # ...

Emitted when an item is dequeued

=head2 enqueued

on $queue enqueued => sub {
    my ($queue, $job) = @_;
    # ...

Emitted when an item is enqueued

=head2 concurrent_job_limit_reached

on $queue enqueued => sub {
    my ($queue, $concurrent_job_limit) = @_;
    # ...

Emitted when a job is found but the limit has been reached.

=head1 METHODS

L implements the following methods.

=head2 consume

# In blocking mode
while(my $job = consume $queue) {
    # ...

# In non-blocking mode
consume $queue sub {
    my ($job) = @_;
    # ...

Waits for jobs to arrive on the queue, sleeping between queue checks using L or L.

Currently sets the status to 'Retrieved' before returning the job.

=head2 dequeue

my $job = fetch $queue;
dequeue $queue $job;

Dequeues a job. Currently removes it from the collection.

=head2 enqueue

my $id = enqueue $queue 'job name';
my $id = enqueue $queue [ 'some', 'data' ];
my $id = enqueue $queue +{ foo => 'bar' };

Add an item to the queue in blocking mode. The default priority is 1 and status is 'Pending'.

You can set queue options including priority, created and status.

my $id = enqueue $queue,
    priority => 1,
    created => bson_time,
    status => 'Pending',
        foo => 'bar'

For non-blocking mode, pass in a coderef as the final argument.

my $id = enqueue $queue 'job_name' => sub {
    # ...

my $id = enqueue $queue priority => 1, +{
    foo => 'bar',
} => sub {
    # ...

Sets the status to 'Pending' by default.

=head2 fetch

# In blocking mode
my $job = fetch $queue;

# In non-blocking mode
fetch $queue sub {
    my ($job) = @_;
    # ...

Fetch a single job from the queue, returning undef if no jobs are available.

Currently sets job status to 'Retrieved'.

=head2 get

# In non-blocking mode
get $queue $id => sub {
    my ($job) = @_;
    # ...

# In blocking mode
my $job = get $queue $id;

Gets a job from the queue by ID. Doesn't change the job status.

You can also pass in a job instead of an ID.

$job = get $queue $job;

=head2 get_options

my $options = $queue->get_options;

Returns the L options hash used by find_and_modify to identify and update available queue items.

=head2 release

my $consumer = consume $queue sub {
    # ...
release $queue $consumer;

Releases a non-blocking consumer from watching a queue.

=head2 requeue

my $job = fetch $queue;
requeue $queue $job;

Requeues a job. Sets the job status to 'Pending'.

=head2 update

my $job = fetch $queue;
$job->{status} = 'Failed';
update $queue $job;

Updates a job in the queue.

=head2 watch

Wait for a job to enter a certain status.

# In blocking mode
my $id = enqueue $queue 'test';
watch $queue $id, 'Complete'; # blocks until job is complete

# In non-blocking mode
my $id = enqueue $queue 'test';
watch $queue $id, 'Complete' => sub {
    # ...


Jobs can be queued in advance by setting a delay_until attribute:

enqueue $queue delay_until => (time + 20), "job name";

=head1 ERRORS

Errors are reported by MangoX::Queue using callbacks and L

To listen for all errors on a queue, subscribe to the 'error' event:

$queue->on(error => sub {
    my ($queue, $job, $error) = @_;
    # ...

To check for errors against an individual update, enqueue or dequeue call, you can check for an error argument to the callback sub:

enqueue $queue +$job => sub {
    my ($job, $error) = @_;

    if($error) {
        # ...



=item Ben Vinnerd, ben@vinnerd.com =item Olivier Duclos, github.com/oliwer


=head1 SEE ALSO

L, L, L
